For the past few months, i've been noticing my computer running very slow between the time it first gets to the desktop [from me turning on the computer to desktop it's fine] to the time i'm able to open Internet Explorer.
Normal boot up to desktop, then I click my internet icon to sign into my DSL service. From there it's a good 4-5 minutes before Internet Explorer's window opens. Also, anything I click to open also takes a bit to respond.
I'm running an Intel P3, with 1 GIG of ram, 2 hard drives [c being 40 gigs, d being 500 gigs]. Even with about half the 500 gig being used up, it's never been slow, slow, slowwwwww like it has been for the past couple of months.
I scanned with Registry Mechanic's latest program, as well as checked for any type of spyware. All's good.
Also, every little while, while surfing and having a couple of windows open [none of which are displaying any large video content or similar], Internet Explorer 6 stops responding. I click the 'X' to close a window and the hourglass just sits there. If I keep clicking [cause I friggin' irritated from waiting] the END PROGRAM comes up. Ugh!!
Can anyone offer any other ideas? I feel everything is A-OK, but apparently not.