Hi Friendz..

Can you tellme why office 2007, preinstalled in vista is not accepting the product key ,which is being supplied with compaq 6510b.

I would contact your manufacturer

If you found the product key on the machine, then it's the product key for Vista, not Office. Yep, they need separate keys.

Just another way for Microsoft to get more money i guess

Quiet pointless to have Vista come with a 30-day trial to Office 07 Standard

Didn't XP come with office fully installed?

Windows vista does not come with Office 2007 installed on it already,
I had to visit a friend who had it on his computer and he also put
it on my laptop, which is Vista home basic (bad idea)

Anyways, Yes, Vista and Office need two seperate product keys
to be installed.

Ask your friends if they have 2007 on their computers, see if they have
product keys.

Sorry I couldn't help more.
Good luck


not sure if i would run with that one. i believe they have upped their key logging. plus if caught they can come after you since its not a registered copy and illegal. however openoffice has most of the same apps as office and is free.

Can I put any other versions product key for it?

Are you trying to install office software that came with another machine?. If this is the case it will never install because the product you have is an OEM which means the license works only on that machine and not on all machines. The license dies with the machine.

Just a suggestion!!!

You could find a good friend or a relative that has "Bought" office 07
and see if they will let you borrow it to install it

I believe that a bought version can be used on up to Three PC's
I think!!!

But there are several different versions
Link to see/compare the different versions

You can choose what you want while installing

Just a suggestion!

your pre-installed office last only a certain time then you need to un-install it and re-install the software from the CD you bought, you cannot upgrade the trail version to a OEM version

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