I have just recovered my PC from a Spyware attack.

After running ComboFix, SDFix, HJT, and a couple others, everything seems to be back to normal for about a week.

The only problem that remains, is one of the Spywares deleted and copied over the file:

The Spyware also removed the registry entries that normally load this file from:

This program is the Task Scheduler Service accessed and configured from:
[Start]=>[Control Panel]=>[Task Scheduler]

I can still see tasks scheduled there, but the tasks just sit there and are never executed because the Task Scheduler Service is no longer available.

Normally I would see it at:
[Start]=>[Control Panel]=>[Administrative Tools]=>[Services]
but when I open it, there is no entry for Task Scheduler.

I would be very greatful if anyone can provide (or direct me to) a copy of mstask.exe and instructions or ".reg" file for registry configuration ?

Thanks for taking time to read this and for any help or suggestions you can offer.


A quick look at my C:\Windows\System32\ folder I only found a "mstask.dll". I have no clue what the mstask.exe file could be. It might be you DLL file renamed but to be on the safe side I would rename it to "mstask.old" and a quick search of my windows xp pro cd I found the mstask.dll file. Might be as simple as copying that file back to the path and rebooting.

If that doesn't work again rename the "mstask.exe" to "mstask.old", pop in your windows cd and do a repair. That should fix you up.

Hi there

Run RegistryFix a couple of times in safe mode.should relief you from this burden

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