I have been searching and searching and can not find anyway of fixing this. I recently got a new (old) computer that my work gave me that was running Windows 2000 NT. I upgraded it too windows XP, but keeped running into a problem with it not liking my CD Device? Somehow after a while it worked and I upgraded to XP, but since then I don't have a CD Drive any more on My Computer (It did work before the upgrade). I have gone through and done a whole lot of different stuff recommend on here and on the web. Like:

- Running regedit and deleting upperfilter and lowerfilter, but actually, they were not present, so there was nothing too delete.
- I downloaded DMR's xp_cd_dvd_fix which was in another thread and ran it and rebooted 3-4 times, but with No luck.
- Looked on Device Manager, but its not there
- Gone add hardware, but it doesn't find any new hardware to add
- Went into BIOS and looked there, it shows CD Drive - Not Installed (Or words to that effect)
- I tried opening the unit and unpluging and re-pluging in the CD drive. I even tried putting in an old CD drive, but it didn't recognise that new hardware had been added.

I Don't know what too do. I'm ok with computers, but thats only if I'm following instructions off the web or something. I wouldn't know what to try myself! Can someone please help!

Try swapping the IDE cables for the cd drive may be that could be causing hte problem.


I tried swapping the cables, but it didn't help! It doesn't see it there and when I went add new hardware, it can't find it. HELP!

have you tried swapping the ide slots on the mobo with others and see if that brings up something. Or maybe if you have any spare drive at hand try changing it and see what happens. I know it ll be frustrating but its all trial and error when it comes to hardware problems man. I would advice to buy a new drive as they are cheap but it may not be a bad drive after all. Keep trying man and hopefully we ll get you the solution.

Good luck


I've swapped the IDE cables with the Hard Drive one and I've also tried installing another CD drive. But neither has worked. When I go into BIOS, it shows the CD drive as being uninstalled.

may be you need to update the drivers for the drive to make it work then. Have you tried that option.


Hi Raj, Thanks for answering my questions so quickly. I have tried to find the driver on the HP Website but with no luck. I'm not in the US, So can't order a CD. I will have to try the New Zealand office tomorrow when they are open. If you or anyone else can find it let me know.. My CD-Writer is a HP CD-Writer Internal 9100i Drive. Thanks

I noticed you said you have looked into BIOS but I didn't note you saying you have done a BIOS update. If you haven't updated the BIOS for the board that my be the solution.

Yeah try EMC's solution and I'll check if i could find the driver for the drive itself. It should be ont he cd that comes with the drive though, if you have it obviously

Hey thanks for those links. I tried the HP Simple Backup Software last night and it didn't do anything?? Not sure if I just used it wrong or what. I haven't got any of the disks for the driver as its an old work one. Not one I purchased myself.

Matt did you try the BIOS update option?

Sorry I'm actually at work at the moment. I'm in New Zealand, so its 8am in the morning here. I will try it tonight when I get home from work, and hopefully it will help.

NP, we all live our lives in our time zones, I'm just trying to see if there may be another anything to consider after these things.

Hi EMC and Raj, Thanks for your help. I have been told today that I have to go away for work for a week. So I pretty much am going home to pack, so won't have time to try your ideas. I will do them when I get back and will reply in here again with the results. Thank you for your help!

No problem mate. We ll pick up where we left when you come back.


OK seeya when you get back.

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