Help. I need to free up my system resources to increase my computer's speed. I use a DSL connection but the system "gurgles" forever. Performance rates are at 64% 80%- Any susgestions? I'm not super computer savy.

Help. I need to free up my system resources to increase my computer's speed. I use a DSL connection but the system "gurgles" forever. Performance rates are at 64% 80%- Any susgestions? I'm not super computer savy.

Look at your taskbar. On the bottom right are some of your running tasks. If you have say, more than 5 down there, those applications are what's keeping you from zooming around like normal.

As a side note, how much RAM do you have? And what OS? Processor speed?

:lol: :lol: Its interactive so have fun with your windows experience
:lol: :lol:

This thread goes into great detail about this,its also one of my favorites!!!!
[thread=1255] THREAD CLICK HERE[/thread]

You might want to download starter its like a advanced ctrl+alt+delete It tells you more information on your services and how much resources they are eating up. Also with starter you can turn off apps that you dont want starting up at boot.The more things you have running on boot the slower your going to be.

Starter is yet another startup manager, that allows you to view and manage all the programs that are starting automatically whenever Windows boots. It lists all the hidden registry entries, as well as the common Startup Folder items as well. You can choose to safely disable selected entries, edit them or delete them altogether (if you know what you re doing). Expert users can even add their own entries. Very nice interface, easy to use, no documentation though (but hardly needed).

I love Windows RG! :d

I have it setup to launch in full screen (IE only, sorry Big B :( ), so it fools people into thinking they really are in Windows RG (particually my Network Administrator :P ).

Full Screen Here (Press Alt+F4 to exit it):

Here's the PM he sent me, and my reply.

Thanks for the info . I'm running Windows 98,OS 4.10, 64MB RAM. The bottom R corner shows:Task scheduler, Screen saver (neither which I need there but don't know how to move them) McAfee & E-mail prog.

At this time with my e-mail prog. & Int Exp. running I'm showing 64% MB free - I know it needs to be higher.

I know how to pick items for start up or not, and have it down to the minimun. Then I open a program if I need to.

Buy more RAM. Virus protection will take resources quite a lot.

After you purchase more RAM, you could possibly invest in Windows 2000 or XP.

Well that was TOP SECRET

very Private

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