I recently got an mp3 player and when installing the software I found out that it cannot be installed on Win 98, only 98SE, XP, and 2000. Can I upgrade to another system? and how? Will I lose any information on my computer? Thanks!

I recently got an mp3 player and when installing the software I found out that it cannot be installed on Win 98, only 98SE, XP, and 2000. Can I upgrade to another system? and how? Will I lose any information on my computer? Thanks!

Technically no, the upgrade process is fairly painless.

www.newegg.com has an OEM copy (full install) of Windows XP for around $145 USD.

Try to install windows 98se and save your settings then you won't lose anything of your information ..:D

Try to install windows 98se and save your settings then you won't lose anything of your information ..:D

Yeah, if you don't want to jump to Win2k or XP, the 98->98SE upgrade is painless.

I recently got an mp3 player and when installing the software I found out that it cannot be installed on Win 98, only 98SE, XP, and 2000. Can I upgrade to another system? and how? Will I lose any information on my computer? Thanks!

Hello! A bit of advise since i junked my machine myself. don't install another op sys on the same drive. Fool me.. I did, and had to start from scratch. Put the second operating sys on another drive.i.e. Windows98 on C, XP on D example. Secondly, get your important docs onto a data traveller just in case... you never know! Thirdly, upgrading from one system to another means that it overwrites what was originally on your system and some fancy games and features that you have working PERFECTLY BEFORE.. goes with the wind.. Just a kind warning, some games that I had no longer exist.. Finally, when having two op sys's you need to have two of everything, including antivirus software tho avast checks all drive wihout an op sys conflict, notice some other antivirus s/ware does.

Good advice there, but I would also like to ad another note (not really a warning) about installing another operating system on top of the old one and that is hard drive space. You (sometimes) lose a lot more hard drive space when upgrading the operating system than you do when you install it from scratch. It would really be better to (if you know how to do it,) back-up your important files onto a data storage key (the little USB plug in things that look like a pen,) or on to a DVD (as mentioned above), and then re-install windows from scratch. GOOD LUCK!!!

Yogi aka Steve

for £90 or so get the upgrade version of xp home and it will keep your files this works on 98se and i think 98 as well

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