
I have a P4 running WindowsXP. One of the latest updates on Windows Update is "Q324929: December 2002, Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1".

I will select this update to install and it will indicate it succeeded. However, the next time I go to Windows Update, there it is again as an available update! This just continuously happens no matter what I do. No other problems with any other updates.

Does anyone out there in internet land happen to have the same problem with this update?

Goto Add/Remove Programs, and scroll to the bottom. There, it lists all of the Windows Update Hotfixes. If that update appears there, mazel tov... its a Microsoft bug (who would have guessed).

Nope, it's not listed there. But I've always noticed that not all of my updates are always listed there, so I just take that for what it's worth.

If I go to Windows Update and then to View Installation History, it's listed there and says "successful".

However, it's still listed as an available download option! Not only that, but if I select it and install it, it installs perfectly and says successful again.

This isn't a big deal. I'm not going to kill myself over a single IE6 bugfix. Was just curious as to whether others had the same problem.

btw ...

only Windows Update fixes with available uninstallers will appear in Add/Remove programs. When I look at the details of the one I'm having a problem with, it says "No Uninstaller Available."

i had the same problem. then i found out it came preinstalled from the factory along with all the other SP1 update's, also "net framework". it tell's you somewhere on computer or hardware or operating system.


IE 6.0 and IE 6.0sp1 had some "memory hook" bugs which still aren't solved.. It is always good to stick on ie5.5 + sp2 in most cases , imo it is the latest stable version of IE.

CSCgal, you can try these [ which you can also find from http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/troubleshoot/ ] and try to solve your problem. I think resetting Windows Update v4 will solve your problem..

Close the browser

Delete your temporary Internet Cache.
1. Right click on the Internet Explore Icon
2. Click on Properties
3. Under the General tab please click on the Delete Files button.
4. Click Ok

Delete IUCtl.dll and the IUEngine.dll from the Windows\dllcache or Winnt\dllcache
Delete IUCtl.dll and the IUEngine.dll from the Windows\System32 or Winnt\System32
Delete iuenginenew.dll from the Windows\System32 or Winnt\System32 if it exists
Change the string value SelfupdateStatus to 0 in the HKLM\microsoft\windows\currentversion\windowsupdate\IUcontrol key

1. Click on the Start button
2. Click on run
3. In the Open box type regedit and click Ok
4. Browse in the left frame to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\microsoft\windows\currentversion\windowsupdate\IUcontrol
5. In the right frame you will see the key SelfupdateStatus please double click on this key
6. Change the value to 0 and click Ok
7. Please reboot the machine

And after that connect to windowsupdate and download your update for sp1 & install it once again..

Yours Sincerely

If you go into preferences on the windows update site (which they should have made a program, not a web site but it's ms) you can tell it not to display that update again. I don't know if that's what you are trying to do but I think it would solve the problem for you at least. You'll still be bothered inside your brain though....

An updated patch for IE came out, and when I installed it, the whole problem went away :)

An updated patch for IE came out, and when I installed it, the whole problem went away :)

i have problem with win XP Updating, any one can heplout


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