I have an IBM ThinkCentre home build. My uncle installed Windows XP and the sound stopped working of course. I have tried multiple things I have found just reading other's threads before I began my own...and still no luck. What do I do? I have yellow question marks on PCI Device, PCI Serial Port, SM Bus Controller, Unknown Device, and Video Controller...


those yellow question marks mean the drivers for that particular piece of hardware is not installed, so you need to know what PCI devices you have installed and you need to know what type of motherboard you have so you can get the drivers for the motherboard like the SM Bus Controller and the Video Controller. there is also software out there like driver detective that you can download and it will scan your computer and tell you what drivers you need and it will provide a link to down the the drivers.

I have an IBM ThinkCentre home build. My uncle installed Windows XP and the sound stopped working of course. I have tried multiple things I have found just reading other's threads before I began my own...and still no luck. What do I do? I have yellow question marks on PCI Device, PCI Serial Port, SM Bus Controller, Unknown Device, and Video Controller...


the yellow mark means problems with the drivers. To solve the driver problem go to ibm website or ibm thinkcentre website and search for the drivers. download them and install them.

If the problem is sound, download the audio driver. Also you can download the VGA controller if its not there!

I think that will do.

if it was just a problem with the driver there would be an exclamation point next to the device in question. the question mark indicates that the device does not have a driver installed for it.

I went to the IBM support site days ago when I first started having this problem and the problem there is... I dont know what type of ThinkCentre this is. There are so many models that I would be taking a shot in the dark.

Do a search by serial number. If you look on the bottom panel of your laptop, it should provide a model number or serial number from which you can search (either google it or go to your IBM website and search it). This will help you determine which one you have. Good luck to you!

Its a desktop, not a laptop. But I got this super long Serial Number---and it didn't give me anything when I searched it in google and the IBM site. I'm kind of at a stand still....

Ok, sorry for my confusion.......if you open your case, do you have any id's of any sort inside your case? While you are in there, check to see if you have a graphics card, or onboard graphics card.....also get your MoBo information. If you are able to identify these, you can cross reference for your drivers...

I have had this problem myself many times. What I have found sometimes is that if you go into the sound card properties and look for digital output only tab and uncheck that. Or you can right click on my computer got to manage. Then go to Device Manager and look for the !. Right click on the one that has ! next to it and then try and update the driver. Windows should try and find the driver itself with some prompts from you. If that does not help find out what kind of sound card you have and go to the vedors site and look for updated drivers for the card.

First you should make sure if its a built in sound card or external sound card installed in the computer.

if its a built in sound card than you can use
the Motherboard CD that came with this desktop computer and update your computer with it. Otherwise as mentioned by others, you have to go to the perticular website of the Company from where you got this computer and look for the drivers of audio.
The exclamation point on the hardware devices listed in the device manager indicate either there is a problem with the driver or they are not installed.

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