ok so my laptop is acting strange.
it is a hp c502us and has many problems right now.
1st problem is that when i start the laptop it tells me to select an operating system.
the 2 choices are Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition and Microsoft Windows XP Setup.
everytime i would choose windows xp home edition, it would lead me to a blue screen.
it says *** STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF7925528,0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
and if i would choose microsoft windows xp setup, it would go to a black screen sying
"The file ac7eeycg.sys could not be found.
Press any key to continue"

please help. i have no idea what is going on :[

I think that the only solution is reformating and Installing Windows again

wait.. isnt installing winows and reformating same thing?

No, reformating is removing everything on your hard drive. Installing windows can be done on a well used hard drive. But first try a few more simple things.

Alternative Start Mode

1. Re-boot PC, as it starts tap F8 several times until the windows boot window appears.
2. Scroll to “Start with last known good configuration.)
3. Press “Enter”

1. Re-boot PC, as it starts tap F8 several times until the windows boot window appears.
2. Scroll to “Safe Mode” (With networking, if you want to access the internet)
3. Press “Enter”

To Repair Windows XP from your XP CD…..

1. Re-start PC with XP CD in drive (Have your serial number handy)
2. As your PC starts press “F12” for boot menu (Or what your PC may ask for)
3. Scroll to and select “boot from CD.”
4. At prompt “Press any key to boot from CD” Press “Any key”
5. In the Windows XP Setup window, Press “Enter” to set up windows XP, (Don’t worry, this is a repair only, not a fresh install.)
6. At next window, Press “F8” to accept license agreement
7. Wait until windows displays your current version of XP and asks “To repair the selected windows XP installation press R”
8. Press “R”
9. Enter serial number when prompted.
10. Wait for files to be copied (PC will indicate 39 mins, it will take a lot less.)
11. When asked to adjust Regional language options, click “Next” as it is still set.
12. PC will re-boot.
13. Check to see if problem still exists.

uhm non of that sees to work
i cant even log on to windows :[
what do i do about the black screen?
what is ac7eeycg.sys??

try following some of the guides presented here


the error is a hard drive one, caused usually by software, sometime by hardware. Also find out the make of the hard drive and download a diagnostic tool from either hp or the manufacturers website, running this will rule out/in a hardware fault. Memory diagnostics should also be run to rule out a problem there

I do not know what this driver file, ac7eeycg.sys, is.
I could guess that what you are seeing in the dual boot is an interrupted installion of Windows, and that Setup has for some reason left its automatic reboot in boot.ini [you know the one... where Setup informs you that your sys will restart and continue Setup, it does and then you get the msg Press any key to boot from CD..., which of course you don't want it to do, you want it to boot from the hd so you wait... and it does. So something interrupted Setup soon after and your boot.ini is messed up, and so is your XP installation.
So put your XP installation cd in the drive, select XP Setup when the choice appears, and if that fails...
Start over.
[quick format just deletes your file tables, a full format does that plus a sort of chkdsk, no files are actually overwritten...]

Sorry I should have added that I copied that from www.community.windowsreinstall.com/ index.php?showtopic=2585&view=getlastpost

I do that all the time ,funny thing in this case its the same poster with the problem on both forums lol

..the utility of search engines....

ok so my laptop is acting strange.
it is a hp c502us and has many problems right now.
1st problem is that when i start the laptop it tells me to select an operating system.
the 2 choices are Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition and Microsoft Windows XP Setup.
everytime i would choose windows xp home edition, it would lead me to a blue screen.
it says *** STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF7925528,0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
and if i would choose microsoft windows xp setup, it would go to a black screen sying
"The file ac7eeycg.sys could not be found.
Press any key to continue"

please help. i have no idea what is going on :[

Can you reinstalled the xp. Before that if you want to take your backup of C: drive. Just removed 2 screws from your laptop's bottom site whre the Hard disk is located then pull it out slowly. The use Usb 3.1 usb hard disk card attached it to another system. Your system will detected this harddisk as another removeable drive. NOw you can take the backup. Just put it back the dard drive and reinstalled the xp.


1. Re-start PC with XP CD in drive (Have your serial number handy)
2. As your PC starts press “F12” for boot menu (Or what your PC may ask for)
3. Scroll to and select “boot from CD.”
4. At prompt “Press any key to boot from CD” Press “Any key”
(Thanks Bob_180_Bob) ;)
Select (Repair windows using recovery console) by pressing "R"
then it will ask you to choose the windows to login to.. press "1" then "Enter"
it will ask you to put the administrator password. put it and press "Enter"
you'll see the command prompt like this (C:\Windows>)
type "chkdsk /p /r" then Enter
when it finishes press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart your pc then select the first choice which is (Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition)

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