Some how while changing themes I must have deleted the xp theme. Now my screen is black, all I can see are icons and web pages. I can't install another theme because I can't see the display dialog box. I'm guessing blind, I have been abel to connect to the internet and change wallpaper by bumping around in the dark. How do I get color backgrond back so I can see black letters? Any ideas will be appreciated.

Thanks, Ron

Same problem in safe mode. Black screen, I get a beep and some kind of a warning( yellow triangle with ! ) but I can't read it.

WARNING: I'm working from a Windows Me O/S and the settings in Windows XP may be slightly different. You can try them, or perhaps one of the forum members with XP will do this using Windows XP. Working from the keyboard only (since you are blind now):
1- Hit the WINDOWS key on your keyboard. (Second from the left, bottom row on my keyboard) This will open the START menu as if you had clicked on START with your mouse.
2- Hit the UP arrow 6 times (Selects SETTINGS)
4- ENTER (Selects and opens CONTROL PANEL)
5- CTRL-HOME (Puts the cursor on the top of the list)
6- DOWN arrow 5 times (Moves the cursor to DESKTOP THEMES)
8- DOWN arrow 3 times (Moves cursor off of CURRENT WINDOWS THEMES and down the list 2 places)
9- ENTER (To select a different desktop theme what ever it may be on your list)
10- ENTER (To make the change)

If all went well, you will now be in a different theme and should be able to navigate by sight now.

That won't work in xp unless the start menu was set to classic view!

Thanks so much for the suggestions. I got it fixed,not very technical though.I had a friend with XP print out the display/apperance window,that gave me some idea where to position the cursor on the screen. Clicked on Windows and buttons, then apply, now I can see again. Once again Thanks.

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