Hi guys.

I have a real problem, i'm posting this from a pc at college because i can't get on my home pc. It was working perfectely last night until about 10:00 then the problems started. I restarted my pc and was presented with a screen saying i had to choose from 5 options before starting my pc they were:
Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe mode with command Prompt
Last Known Good settings
Start Windows Normally

I've seen this before so i thought nothing of it and chose start normally, windows began to start then it restarted and went back to the screen with the five choices, no matter which one i chose it just restarted and went back to the same screen again and again. My knowledge of PC hardware is very limited, so can you guys please help me?

P.s. i tried e-mailing windows support but they want a product id number, which i can access because i cant get on my pc.

Have you made any changes/updates?

Normally when that screen you mention is show it means windows has been shutdown incorrectly and therefore is giving you the option of starting in a simpler mode to avoid the problems. Like for example if you update your graphic card's drivers and then is shown that menu when you reboot, probably the drivers didn't function correctly.

So try starting it in safe mode and try to fix the problem from within windows. It's hard to say where to start but if you made any changes, try changing them back to as they were before.

So try starting it in safe mode and try to fix the problem from within windows. It's hard to say where to start but if you made any changes, try changing them back to as they were before.

Thats my problem i cant start it in safe mode, or any mode for that matter. whenever i select an option the pc just goes srtaight back to the screen with the choices, it doesn't start at all.

wow, when the mother board loads up when you first turn on your pc, hold delete, you should open system bio's. I dont know all about hardware, just enough to drive me home, but look around you should notice problem's. Also if the problem consist's then well. reformt. Are you colleges on XP?, if so stick in a floppy, open up My Computer, and right click floopy disk, and make it a dos boot, and run your home computer with the dos boot, and then type this after A:\format C:, have a good one. Sorry about your trouble's.

If you get int o the bios as suggested above ,set the defaults and exit saving changes and try Re-booting

Thanks for the advice guys, i'll try that. This is the last time i can get on a pc today, so i'll get back to you tomorrow. as for making a dos boot disk on my colloges pcs, they use windows 98 and all the disk drives are disabled. but thanks...i'll get back to you tomorrow

Hey guys Im a friend of cooky87 and am using his info to tell u of his latest problem.

He STILL cannot get on to his PC and the hold del thing didnt work. He needs his PC for college and would be very gratefull of any help.

Cheers Guys

TJ / Cooky87

Hey guys Im a friend of cooky87 and am using his info to tell u of his latest problem.

He STILL cannot get on to his PC and the hold del thing didnt work. He needs his PC for college and would be very gratefull of any help.

Cheers Guys

TJ / Cooky87

reformat and start again, if nothing else has worked, or take off anything extra sound card, firewire card, and try to start it bare bones. Or you can boot it into recovery mode with the XP/2000 cd and do a chkdsk on it also.

Or you can boot it into recovery mode with the XP/2000 cd...

Yes- try that before resorting to a reinstall. When you boot into the Recovery Console from the install CD you have more than a few options at your disposal, one of which is to attempt an automated repair of your system. You can also attempt manual repairs via the Recovery Console's (somewhat limited) built-in commands. More info on using the Recovery Console can be found here:


Hello Guy's I have the same problem, however it's a little different after the five options it refers to a blue screen and gives reference to a unmountable_boot_volume. No matter what key I strike I cannot get past this blue screen. Please help.

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