Just wondering what registry cleaners people use?

Im an IT administrator and wondering what your views are on registry cleaners, whether you use them, or not, and which ones you use.

My favourite is RegistryFix: <snip>
I find the user interface easy to navigate and the registry cleaning is very quick.

My other favourite is CCleaner: http://www.ccleaner.com/
Although I do not find it works as well.

Anyone recommend any other good registry cleaners?

I have a cleaned-up ErrorNuker and RegistryFix both of which I occasionally run, but pretty much for entertainment. Your registry may be 25 or 30 Megs in size, if you remove only a couple of entries it's pretty much like plucking a couple of blades of grass from a tennis court.
Most entries picked up by those scans are ones which pass out of the system eventually in an overflow or last in-first out process eg MRU lists.
A messy uninstallation by a poor uninstaller may leave a few orphans but if those keys are not called they just will not be read. In the 4 or 5 secs that explorer.ex takes to load it does [tens of] thousands of key reads, plus a mass of hdd operations to see what it should be doing, displaying, and know. As an example, if I'm on the net but with no extraneous open windows explorer does 140,000 key operations in that time, with the net disconnected it does 90,000 key operations as it loads.
I have CCLeaner also.

i use ccleaner ,seems to work ok, but will download FixRegestry and compare the 2

I use Regvac It is available as a trial version and works great. Been using it for about 7 years now and can rely on it.


I use Regvac It is available as a trial version and works great. Been using it for about 7 years now and can rely on it.


wow 7 yr trial version .lol

i have run ccleaner before and its nice but i prefer to use eusing free for registry cleaner and steven gould's cleanup! for getting rid of temp files/folders. try it

i have run ccleaner before and its nice but i prefer to use eusing free for registry cleaner and steven gould's cleanup! for getting rid of temp files/folders. try it

like trying new things ,tried eusing free,it found 652 errors ,didn't fix them , ran ccleaner it found 24 problems ,fixed them ,ran eusing free again it found 630 errores ,fixed them ,windows still working so far .
will reboot to make sure it still works , lol

I've seen so many warnings about registry fix programs that I'm scared to use one.

I use ccleaner every time I sign off the Internet. Do I need a registry fixer? And can anyone guarantee one that works without causing harm? I know there are some advertised by Google but I've heard they only point out the errors and you have to pay to get them deleted. Something there sounds fishy to me.

I've seen so many warnings about registry fix programs that I'm scared to use one.

I use ccleaner every time I sign off the Internet. Do I need a registry fixer? And can anyone guarantee one that works without causing harm? I know there are some advertised by Google but I've heard they only point out the errors and you have to pay to get them deleted. Something there sounds fishy to me.

i don't use registry fix program because of what you say ,the ones mention in this thread are just registry cleaner a little different me thinks
i use ccleaner registry cleaner for a few yrs now on my computer and one i work on belong to others with no ill effect,not sure if its actually helping

commented: Thanks +1

Thanks Caperjack. Think I'll stick with ccleaner and take an occasional look at registry. I find HKEYLOCAL hangs onto program titles (maybe more than just the title) even though they've been deleted via Control Panel.

I use RegCleaner 3.5 by Jouni Vuorio. I'm not convinced that it actually helps the system run better, but so far it's done no harm, and makes me feel better!

I first used it on W98FE, then W98SE, and now on W2K Pro. One thing that does impress me is that it looks for entries that don't go anywhere, and actually deletes them, after first backing them up.


i tried some tools Registry Fix , Ccleaner, <snip> Pro & Reg Cure..they all works f9 but only cleaning regs is worthless , i think optimization also required ...i can suggest <snip> provided by <snip>..It cleans and optimize registries..which are affecting badly..to ur PC..its a best registry cleaner i used so far..!
it helped me lot..!! U can download it 4m <snip> site.

I use the open source version. It scans quickly and seems to do the job for me. If I've let my sys get junked up I can tell the difference after a scan and fix.

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