Hi there. I'm new to this forum but not that new with computers.

I've got a computer here and whenever I connect it all up to use, the monitor displays 'no signal'.

However I plug a different machine into the same monitor and all is well.

I have taken out the cmos battery and put it back in, I have swapped RAM around to different banks and have checked all the pins on both sides of the connection.

The only thing I can think of myself is the video driver but I'm unsure.

This isn't a PCI graphics card, it's built into the motherboard. Any suggestions would be appreciated greatly!

Many thanks.

have you tried another monitor? Does the computer actually work?

This could also be a case of dirt and dust...make sure everything is blown out, even the memory card connectors, etc...this happens to me infrequently and I forget about it...but it just fixed one of mine so I remind you.

Yes I have tried another known good monitor and its still doing the same thing. I've got another pc that works on these monitors.

Yes the pc is working as far as I know. Thanks for you reply .

Yes the pc is working as far as I know.

if it worked it would show on the monitor !!
i would unplug all power to drives and remove any pci addin cards
Then i would start with the power supply ,if you have one to swap with !
its also possible its the motherboard or the processor ,

do you have an addin graphics card, or only the integrated one?

the integrated one normally gets disabled if it detects an add in one

its an integrated grpahics card. I have no spare parts to try so I 'm stick at the moment. All I can try is re-installing the OS but it freezes part way through.

sounds to me like the integrated video is damaged try a cheap addin card. Any compatible one will do, and will still probably be an upgrade over the integrated chip.

its an integrated grpahics card. I have no spare parts to try so I 'm stick at the moment. All I can try is re-installing the OS but it freezes part way through.

you must have a couple of computer repair places around you neighborhood ,that would have a old pci video card to sell for a few bucks,so you could try it

At what point does your system display the "no signal" message? If you're able to start an OS install it must happen after the bios but before desktop?

It sounds like a defective IGP, but it could be another part of your system. Try downloading the Ubuntu live CD distribution from another computer. If that loads up and works properly on your system you'll know that the video adapter is capable of displaying video and that it's either a windows issue or there there's another component that's causing the system to crash and taking video with it.

Excellent folks, thanks for the advice.
I think I'll try the PCI add in option first I'm sure I know someone with one a can try.

Let you know how it goes.

You can get a cheap graphics card for like £20.

In this, you can bring your screen into a company that, ask them to replace the cable is connection , Ok

Good luck !

its not a problem with the cable he says that

"However I plug a different machine into the same monitor and all is well."

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