Hello everyone I had to reinstall winxp and changed the boot settings, but now i can't change it to boot from hard drive instead of CD rom, it will not let me change any settings at all. I have Dell Dimension 4500S and the Bios version is Dell Computer Corporation Version A03. Please help! :icon_eek:

Thanks everyone.


shut down computer ,open the box ,using either the bios reset jumper or just remove the battery for awhile will reset the bios to defaults ,and hdd is usually first before the cdrom

shut down computer ,open the box ,using either the bios reset jumper or just remove the battery for awhile will reset the bios to defaults ,and hdd is usually first before the cdrom

Hi there thank you so much for your answer i appreciate it. I will try that and hopefully i will be able to reset the boot settings. Have a great evening!!

Have a great evening!!

thank you ,

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