I'm supporting a user who is having a weird issue. When he opens Windows explorer, the left hand side, which usually displays the folder view, is gone. If you're having a hard time visualizing it, I've attached a screen shot of the problem. When I clicked on View>Explorer Bar, the Folders option is selected. I've unchecked it and rechecked it and nothin. I opened up My Computer and went to View>Explorer Bar and selected Folders, but it does the same thing. I have no idea how to troubleshoot this issue and I just found out another analyst just picked up the exact same issue with a different person. Any suggestions any has would be appreciated.

I'm supporting a user who is having a weird issue. When he opens Windows explorer, the left hand side, which usually displays the folder view, is gone.

One suggestion, though not a direct fix, is to use a free replacement for Windows Explorer which is better anyway: AB Commander Lite http://www.winability.com/abcommander/lite.htm

This utility is high on my recommended list, and automatic for any Windows machine I work on or with. I have not used Windows Explorer for years...

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunatley, I can't load any third party software on our associates computers. I'm a member of Tech Support for the Bank of America and they have strict guidelines on what we can install. But, I just received word from one of our Microsoft gurus and he said that it's caused by the recent upgrade to IE 6.0 and all we have to do is run a fix on Internet Explorer through Add/Remove programs. thanks again though for the suggestion.

Thanks, This happened after an install and windows update on Windows ME that I'd done for a friend of my wifes. I thought I was going to have to completely re-install Windows to fix it.

Hi Can annybody let me know which fix do I have to apply to fix out the problem & from where i can download it.



Thanks for the reply. Unfortunatley, I can't load any third party software on our associates computers. I'm a member of Tech Support for the Bank of America and they have strict guidelines on what we can install. But, I just received word from one of our Microsoft gurus and he said that it's caused by the recent upgrade to IE 6.0 and all we have to do is run a fix on Internet Explorer through Add/Remove programs. thanks again though for the suggestion.

Solution for the folder problem & it works


The Default value for this key points to the file which builds the Explorer Band. That file is either Shdocvw.dll or Browseui.dll. The file varies according to which version of Internet Explorer is installed. If this entry is not correct, the Pane will not be built.

Internet Explorer 5.5 uses Browseui.dll
All other Internet Explorer Versions use Shdocvw.dll

Using a registry file and merging that file into the registry can repair the problem on all versions except IE 5.5.


For All Internet Explorer versions EXCEPT IE 5.5

Go to Start>run and type Regedit. Press Enter

Navigate to this key:


Highlight InProcServer32 in the left pane. In the right pane, double click on Default. Modify the value data in the box which will come up, by typing in the correct path to shdocvw.dll. Click Ok. Close the Registry.

Or you can download a file and merge that into the Registry:

There are two files, one for Win9x and ME, another for WinXP and Windows2000. This is because the path to shdocvw.dll is different in each operating system. And the Operating Systems use different registry value types.

Found this thread while googlin it. I have the same issue. Gonna check it out this morning and letcha know how it goes.

worked just fine. Thanks musy.

thanx musy_l vbmenu_register("postmenu_19471", true); ...... worked perfectly :)

Thanks it works for me.

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