For the past 5 days I haven't been able to open any emails on Live Hotmail. I can access the site ok and everything appears as normal, but when I click on an email to open it nothing happens?? I have tried a system restore but that didn't fix it. Anybody any idea what is going on?

Try download CCleaner, and run it.

What is your Operating System??
What browser are you using???



Thanks Cohen

I tried CCleaner without success.

My Operating System is Windows XP SP2, and my browser is Internet Explorer 7.0.


Well, can you pls download Firefox and see if you have the same problem.

Also try updating your Java... and then see if that works....



I have updated Java and also downloaded and tried using Firefox,
and still have the same problem. My antivirus scan also indicates no detectable virus is present. It is really baffling, hey? My Yahoo email is working perfectly.


well i'm out of suggestions...

the only thing i can ask is... is it only on this one computer or does it do it on computers that you try???

Maybe try contacting the Windows Live team... also have you tried switching back to a previous version... of the layout???


It works OK on other computers.

I have transferred my hotmail account onto outlook express and am able to read my emails from there. But my hotmail will still not work!

It works OK on other computers.

I have transferred my hotmail account onto outlook express and am able to read my emails from there. But my hotmail will still not work!

oh, ok, well i recommend downloading Windows Live Mail... that is what i use and it's very good...

But i'm not sure what could be the problem with the hotmail......

Maybe someone else might have a solution, but i have thought of pretty much everything thata could be the problem....


Thanks for your help, Cohen. Yes I think I will download Windows Live Mail.

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