
I recently purchased an HP AMD Turion 4GB 250HD 64 bit, Vista Home Premium. Internet connection via ComCast is intermittent -- mostly I can't get on at all. I also have a Vonage modem connected to the ComCast Modem. I did not have a problem with my old computer running on XP SP2. ComCast, frustrated, connected me with HP rep who said 64 bit won't run with my modem. It's hard to believe that's true

Does anyone know why the problem is happening or had a similar experience? .

Will I have any problems with Adobe CS3 or any other 32 bit programs?

Thanks in advance!

Apparently, you need a 64 bit driver that doesn't exist, so you're out of luck.
Vista will run 32 bit programs in almost all cases.

Apparently, you need a 64 bit driver that doesn't exist, so you're out of luck.
Vista will run 32 bit programs in almost all cases.

Hi HughV. Thanks for the reply. I still have a question.....A 64 bit driver for what? The modem? I was under the impression that the computer had it, since it's running 64 bit Vista.

Yes, the modem. At least, that's what HP seems to be saying.
Have you checked with Vonage?

will have to check with Vonage, also.....thanks! I'll let you know.


I recently purchased an HP AMD Turion 4GB 250HD 64 bit, Vista Home Premium. Internet connection via ComCast is intermittent -- mostly I can't get on at all. I also have a Vonage modem connected to the ComCast Modem. I did not have a problem with my old computer running on XP SP2. ComCast, frustrated, connected me with HP rep who said 64 bit won't run with my modem. It's hard to believe that's true

Does anyone know why the problem is happening or had a similar experience? .

Will I have any problems with Adobe CS3 or any other 32 bit programs?

Thanks in advance!

Hi, I also made the mistake of loading the 64bit version of "ultimate" although there are drivers out there for the 64bit version it is still a problem. I am going to wipe my disk and start again as it is too frustrating.

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