I'm trying to send a VB6 project via email, but upon "send" I get a dialog "For your security and that of others you cannot attach a file with this extension" and I cannot find out how to send this. Help please.

If you zip the file then you should be able to sen it with no problems. The other user will just need to unzip the file and then run the exe

Or you cuold go down the root of changing the extension


Thanks Freaky!
I found that I had no Zip/unzip device so I went on the net to get one and after a few downloads couldn't get what I wanted and even had to do a few system restores to clear out the rubbish.
I tried to put the *.vbp, *.frx and the *.frm files into a folder and send but no luck again. Also should I send the VB6 dll file in case the destination PC needs it? Can you tell me how to disguise all these files so they can be sent, please? You suggested a different file type but which, please?
Hope you can help.

What version of windows are you using?

You can simply UPLOAD THE FILE to http://files.ww.com and send them the link to DOWNLOAD it :)

Thanks Comatose!
I'm on WinXP Home with SP3

You should download WinZip - you get a 30 day free trial.

When you've installed it, you drag the folder containing the files of interest to the Winzip panel or Icon and it will produce a compressed zip file.

When you set up Wizip, you can select Legacy compression which is compatible with other softwares. The person othe rthe other end will need Winziup or something compatible to open up and extract the files from the attachment to your e-mail.

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