I just wonder one thing with Windows update and a fresh install.
Say, I'm using Vista Ultimate and I always check for updates and update whenever the updates are available.
Now as we know, there's Vista service pack 1 or even 2 available, So do I need to buy a new vista with sp1 or sp2 disc, and then make a fresh install on my machine ? And what about my current vista that I always use windows update ? Is the system of update windows and install a fresh copy of vista integrated sp1 or sp2 the same ?

If this is not the same, then how can I install vista sp1 or sp2 over my old vista ? Or do I need to format my drive then install sp1 or sp2 again ?

I checked several days ago in Microsoft.com seeing Vista sp1 is available for download with around 400Mb. But I didn't download it, as I saw it says "If you're using only on one computer...then just use windows update...blah blah.."

Thanks, and wait for everyone's idea.

You can just download and install SP1. There is no need to reinstall or buy a new disk. All the new SP1 disks do is save time by having it on there already. An original vista system with SP1 installed is exactly the same as a system installed from a vista disk with SP1 included.

checked several days ago in Microsoft.com seeing Vista sp1 is available for download with around 400Mb. But I didn't download it, as I saw it says "If you're using only on one computer...then just use windows update...blah blah..

if you get sp1 via windows update its like 1/2 the size as it only includes the stuff for your language and version, which is why MS reccomend it. Having the big standalone file is just easier as you can download it once and use it over and over. They are identical otherwise.

commented: Good instruction +1

Thanks so much bennet for the reply.
You deserve a reputation.


Thank you.

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