Need your help. Recently some problem has appeared on my pc - there are many duplicates in it. Now i'm looking for some good duplicate file finder to delete these clones. Maybe you know app like this? I know just Clone Remover - in my opinion nice program but i'm not sure if it's worth using it.

Duplicate file detective is a good one.

steven woodman, you think it's really good? And what about Clone Remover? It seems to me it's a good app. But if you say duplicate file detective ok i see this app. Thank you.

Be very careful. Deleting duplicates can hose your computer. Determine which file is needed before doing anything rash.

hughv, Thank you for the warning:icon_wink:

it would be advisable to load all these duplicate files to another folder, preferably on a CD for safekeeping. zeroth

Thanks, zeroth , but there is a question to ask: how to find these dupes without a special program? I think it's not impossible. That's why i've asked about the application and about if Clone Remover is right for this.

Yer there is another option that would require someone to right a not to complex script for you. That could check for all duplicate files & folders and move them to a specified location. It shouldn't be to complex either.

Plus you can garuntee what will happen that way,


Thanks, Chris.

easy duplicate finder is good and its free.

easy duplicate finder is good and its free.

Thanks, ill try it. And what can you say 'bout Clone Remover?

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