i have one server with windows 2003 operating system. daily i take backup on tapes(digital data storage 4) using windows ntbackup .
since two days i am getting error in middle of backup process saying
Backup utility: An inconsistency was encountered on the requested media"
what could be the problem?? please send me some solution

Thank You

We have same OS and my tape drive is LTO3, anyway I suspect that your tape (the tape itself) is damaged.

1. if you can format it try it. but make sure that all the content of the tape has back up.
2. buy new tape. or clean your tape.
3. clean your tape drive.

Yep damaged media or courrupted data

Tapes have a limited lifespan. Daily backups will wear one out fairly rapidly.

Thank you

Thank you for your reply.... could you please tell me whi is the best utility for backup instead of ntbackup

what dont you like about ntbackup?

There should be plenty of others around, and itsb a good idea to change as NTBackup isnt part of Server 2008 so if you upgrade , you are a bit screwed.

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