if i am going to format my harddrive how can i back up some software that i dont want to lose (because ive lost the cd for it). cheers

To my knowledge, This isn't a very easy task. The Reason is that programs don't always keep all their files in one folder. They put stuff in system and system32, and sometimes a couple of other places. IF, however, you can find all the dependancy files (files needed for the program to run) and save all those, and then save everything in the programs folder as a backup, then you are on your way. However, Then you have to make sure that you copy all the registry Entries that apply to the software you backing up. Sometimes, Those have their own classid's and everything else. I'm not 100% sure if there is software out there that actually does this, but if there is, please, let me know.

ok cheers.

does anyone else know if there is software out there to do this.
also i need to try and find a piece of software i had before for my minidisc player does anyone know where i could find the software called open mg jukebox?

I have always had the best luck with nero. Backing up is pretty easy really. Just an Idea. One idea. Surff the word yahoo bookmarks. Its free!! You can back up all your bookmarks and leave them on the net..........peace....im out

ok cheers.

does anyone else know if there is software out there to do this.
also i need to try and find a piece of software i had before for my minidisc player does anyone know where i could find the software called open mg jukebox?

Si ,you are learning a hard lesson on why its impostant to save in a safe place, all cds' for software used on you computer !

I have always had the best luck with nero. Backing up is pretty easy really. Just an Idea. One idea. Surff the word yahoo bookmarks. Its free!! You can back up all your bookmarks and leave them on the net..........peace....im out

Nero is great for backing up Data or music ,and program .exes' that you downloaded and saved to HD ,not programs allready install on the computer !!

system mechanic 5 offers to move programs for you. Not sure if its a copy a program or really moves the whole file. You could put a folder on your desktop and move all your programs to that using mechanic. Even offers a 30 day free trial !! Cant swear by it never tried it but may help??......peace....im out. oh downloads.com or any other of your choosing..

I hear that System Mechanic 5 does a pretty decent job of moving applications, but I've never used it myself so I can't give you a real opinion on that product.

If those folders you move have corrupted files or whatnot in them, it won't do you much good though. They will get transferred to the new system as well. If I were you, I would only try to move the applications that I absolutely didn't have the CD or CD key for. I've just never heard of any applications that work great for moving apps. There is also an issue of where will you move them to? I'm not sure if moving them to a CD or DVD would be a good idea or if it's even possible. I've seen them moved to a zip drive disk, but that's about it other than another hard drive or partition. I'm thinking it probably needs to be a medium that has read AND write capabilities. So you'd either need to set up a new partition on your current disk drive to put the stuff or get another drive.

Winzip maybey? Can you zip them then burn them that way? Once it is figured out sure hope you post the solution.

Winzip maybey? Can you zip them then burn them that way? Once it is figured out sure hope you post the solution.

I'm sure what System Mechanic 5 does is move the program folders and any needed files to the new spot and change the registry entries to point to the new location. So, if you have a hard drive divided into two partitions, you could theoretically move the program and the folders along with it to the new spot, the registry entries would be changed to point to the new spot. Then after you reformat the c:\ partition (leaving the other partition alone) and reinstall windows, as well as system mechanic 5, you could then tell it to put the program and the folders back on the c: drive. Which should then work just fine.

However, i'm not sure how well it would work if you are telling system mechanic 5 to move the program to a cd. In theory I would imagine it could work, but I don't think I would personally want to try it with something I didn't want to lose. Might be better to try with a CD-RW than just CD-R??

The zip I was talking about was an Iomega Zip Drive Disk. It came with a similar program at one time that would move applications. I did move an application to the Zip Drive and it worked. When I went to the start menu and selected the application, it ran from the Zip Drive. That has been my only experience trying to move an application in that manner.

What a lot of talk to say one simple thing!

You cannot back up installed programs and then use them again later. That's impossible!

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