have just started my first website, www.eatleigh.com
I did it on my Mac using QuarkXpress, then converting to HTML.
It works fine on all five of my browsers here but Windows users using Internet Explorer can't see the gifs. I have set permissions to both 755 and 777, plus added the URL to the beginnings of gif file names, but with no success. It is only Explorer that has the problem. Any suggestions?

Welcome to the site....

Im using IE6 and i see every image on your site (Gif,etc)

Looks good!!

Can you please provide a link to an image that ppl cant see?

Thanks for that. Glad that IE 6 can see it. As a Mac user, I naturally know or care anything about Microsoft stuff.
As for a link, this will show you what one of the link buttons should look like:


Maybe mine is the only site that has this problem! I don't think it's a Mac issue. I have IE 5.3 for Mac and it's fine. FF on Windows also works fine.

The problem is that a new install of IE has to be taught what to do with a .gif file.

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