can anyone help, i am running ME
i have put all my internet settings on to my laptop after downloading them from my desktop computer
all the info is the same and i will only connect one comp at a time
i have tried to get on the internet but no pages will display
i have tested the 4 pings and it al came back ok
any help would be great.


Hi calandste, welcome to TechTalk!

We will need more specific information concerning your network/Internet setup and connections in order to help you most quickly. Can you please provide the following info:

1. What type of Internet connection do you have (cable, DSL, dial-up modem, etc.)?

2. Who is your Internet Service Provider?

3. If you have cable or DSL, are you connecting the computers directly to the cable/DSL modem, or do you have a broadband router, hub, or switch in the equation?

Give us the above info and we'll get you sorted out.

Hi Dmr
Thanx for your reply
i have now manged to sort internet connection by reinstalling ME and installing internet software. Thank you

I now have another quiery!!
im not very technically minded and wanted to add new Ram as i only have 64mb at the moment
i therefore bought 256mb module but it doesnt seem to recognise it. does my laptop have a limit as to the amount i can install?
it is a HP Omnibook XE3L
The memory i bought was a 133mhz, 256mb sdram
help would be much appreciated


Hi calandste, welcome to TechTalk!

We will need more specific information concerning your network/Internet setup and connections in order to help you most quickly. Can you please provide the following info:

1. What type of Internet connection do you have (cable, DSL, dial-up modem, etc.)?

2. Who is your Internet Service Provider?

3. If you have cable or DSL, are you connecting the computers directly to the cable/DSL modem, or do you have a broadband router, hub, or switch in the equation?

Give us the above info and we'll get you sorted out.

hi all
thanks for the replies
After altering settings, putting on tweak programs, deleting programmes etc we finally got the internet working by putting the system back to an earlier date. Still not sure why it wouldn't load any pages though.
We have a dial up connection on NTL but couldn't change any of the settings as they are locked by default by ntl for some reason.
Only little niggle we have now is the connection speed shows 115200 instead of the normal 57???. Have tried changing this but it still comes back at the higher speed. Anyone know why?
Once again thanks for the replies and help. Great site!

Only little niggle we have now is the connection speed shows 115200 instead of the normal 57???. Have tried changing this but it still comes back at the higher speed. Anyone know why?

The 115,200 "speed" doesn't really relate to your modem's max connection speed over your phone line. The 115,200 number is the maximum BAUD rate at which the circuitry in the particular COM port on your computer (to which you've attached the modem) can communicate. It's best to let the COM port operate at it's highest speed unless you notice problems with modem attached to that port. More info on this can be found here:

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