Good day guys. Iwant to protect the privacy of my PC and Iwant to konw how to create a admin account. Hope you can help me. Thanks.

All windows PCs have an admin account.
What is your OS?
Just Google: "(OS Name) admin account"

All windows PCs have an admin account.
What is your OS?
Just Google: "(OS Name) admin account"[/Q

My OS Bro. is Windows XP SP2. The security that i want is something you need to log before the windows loading. you know how to do that? or do you have any advice to secure the privacy of my pc. Pls. Help me.

My OS Bro. is Windows XP SP2. The security that i want is something you need to log before the windows loading. you know how to do that? .

are you the only one using the computer ,if so i would suggest a bios password !but if you do set it don't forget it!
on bootup go to bios/setup, usually hitting f2 or del to get there and in there you find a place to set a password !

You could also encrypt the partitions using TrueCrypt as well. So if an average user gets a hold of your PC they can't read your hard drive even if they take it out.

All windows PCs have an admin account.
What is your OS?
Just Google: "(OS Name) admin account"[/Q

My OS Bro. is Windows XP SP2. The security that i want is something you need to log before the windows loading. you know how to do that? or do you have any advice to secure the privacy of my pc. Pls. Help me.

If you are meaning to say how to put a password in your Account :

LogOn as Admin

Open 'Start/Control Panel/User Accounts'

Click 'Change An Account'

Then select the account you wan't to protect and click on 'Set Password', then set any password and click 'OK'

Next time when you try to Log into that account, it will prompt you for the password..

If its XP home, all accounts are admin by defauly but you can set up limited accounts. Bit crap though. Best way is to use XP Pro as it lets you specify premissions using policy and have tighter control over directory access

You could also encrypt the partitions using TrueCrypt as well. So if an average user gets a hold of your PC they can't read your hard drive even if they take it out.

Bro. I dont know what is TrueCrypt. I'm not so familiar with the windows XP. Can you explain to me how to go there.. Thanks.

Bro. I dont know what is TrueCrypt. I'm not so familiar with the windows XP. Can you explain to me how to go there.. Thanks.

i don't know TrueCrypt either but i do know its not part of winxp its a 3rd party piece of software .do a search for it if you dare!

Here Its a free open source encryption tool. You can encrypt the drive so it asks for a password before booting the from hard drive. It can be downloaded from sourceforge. I have used this and have had no problems. However don't forget the password!

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