Problem is Windows XP comp won't let me onto Microsoft website, the load bar will go half way then stop. Suggestions or help greatly appreciated, computer neophite here!

Firefox or Chrome....I assume you are having issues with IE. If so take it out of the loop and use Firefox or Chrome. If you just love IE you could try to update to the newest version.

using Firefox...should have stated that sorry.

OK...does IE have the same problem?

Yes will not let me go to Microsoft website as well as some others.

I'd remove all the plugins you've installed. You can always put them back as you go to web pages that require them.

I disabled them, is that good enough?

No...they need to be removed. If they are causing the site to hang up they are corrupt and need to come out. This is of course just a suggestion....the plugins might not be the problem. You could also have a virus.

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