ok so i have recently just repaired my installation of xp because it was acting up ! but while it is installing it just randomly disconnects the mouse and i cannot click next or ok so im stuck. i have disconnected the mouse and reconnected it and still no luck. i also reset bios and cmos to defults. please help!! i have no idea what to do!

any one

a) You can always "click" using keyboard.
b) If it is USB mouse, try PS/2 if possible. (vice-versa)

commented: tahnks +2

ps/2 ?? whats that and the keyboard deactivates too

it always deactivates after it asks to install a certain ethernate driver which i let it install

This is PS/2 port. Both keyboard and mouse could be plugged in PS/2 ports and it is universal. USB ports can be a problem on new boards in conjuction with XP. Problem being that needed USB drivers aren't included with XP and generic ones don't work.

i think it just shuts off usb power or somthing

Maybe your PC simply freezes?

Try skipping the ethernet driver. You can always install it post-setup.

i dont have any ps/2 keyboards .... :( and no it doenst freeze cause the install animations is still going just all usb devices dont work i guess after that install ive tried skiping it and installing it they both cause the usb ports to stop funcioning

Could you post the specs? (Motherboard model or laptop model)

i built it my self it was working fine with xp until i tried to install vista and vista fucked it over so i installed xp back on it with the repair mode and now it is ask ing for drivers to be install


nvidia XFX force 750i sli mother board

2x 8600gt geforce nvidia XFX ones 1gb ones 512 gb

4x ocz reaper ram 1gb

1 logitec g15 keyboard and g9 mouse

also WMP54G wireless adapter

3ghz core 2 duo intel processer

also it gets stuck on the display driver install but i installed it by exe file in windows before

Getting PS/2 keyboard or USB-PS/2 converter could bypass your problem. My guess is that it is a problem with obvious lack of drivers that XP comes with. (hence the need of f6 drivers and floppy drive)

Other way to solve your problem (permanently) is to slipstream the drivers onto XP setup CD. For that you need 1 blank CD, tool like nLite, allot of PC knowledge and even more patience.

Another thing that comes to my mind is BIOS. There might be setting for USB keyboard support. Try changing that setting if there is one on your board. Also, you can disable on-board ethernet, so XP will skip the drivers that obviously mess with your USB controller.

There also might be BIOS bug that is (hopefully) solved by your motherboard manufacturer. Look for BIOS updates for your board on their website.

And one more thing:

Use 1 VGA. Atleast for setup.

I'm not 100% certain, but I'm bretty sure that SLi technology doesn't support different VGA models. You say that you have one 1 GB and one 512 MB VGA card.. That might be the problem.

Getting PS/2 keyboard or USB-PS/2 converter could bypass your problem. My guess is that it is a problem with obvious lack of drivers that XP comes with. (hence the need of f6 drivers and floppy drive)

Other way to solve your problem (permanently) is to slipstream the drivers onto XP setup CD. For that you need 1 blank CD, tool like nLite, allot of PC knowledge and even more patience.

Another thing that comes to my mind is BIOS. There might be setting for USB keyboard support. Try changing that setting if there is one on your board. Also, you can disable on-board ethernet, so XP will skip the drivers that obviously mess with your USB controller.

There also might be BIOS bug that is (hopefully) solved by your motherboard manufacturer. Look for BIOS updates for your board on their website.

yea i have updated bios but the latest one is 2006 Copy right lol i think i cant find any other up date

i also found usb controller and usb device legacy support any help ?

yea i have updated bios but the latest one is 2006 Copy right lol i think i cant find any other up date

i also found usb controller and usb device legacy support any help ?

Try toggling that settings. If possible, disable USB2.0 support and leave it on legacy only, but do change it back once you manage to install XP and motherboard drivers. Legacy USB (a.k.a. USB 1.1) has extremely slow data transfer rate.

i cannot change it to just support legacy but i mean i cant figure out the problem the vga im susre isnt becuase it worked fine with 2 vga the whole time when i had xp working and before i installed vista i cannot even thing what could be the problem

holy crap it works i have n idea how but it does lol

Once you manage to install it, I advise you to:

- Change BIOS settings to default ones
- Install service pack 3 (if it is XP sp0/1/2)
- Install Motherboard drivers
- Plug back in the second VGA (if you removed it)
- Install VGA drivers (don't install it before Motherboard drivers! That wolud most probably mess up your XP beyond repair)

... and DO restart every time you are advised to.

Anyway, what did you do that made it work?

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