Hi there!
I haven't been able to boot my xp machine for a couple of weeks, and decided to "repair" it with the xp cd (SP1) And there wasent no problems at all until the computer restarted like it was supsosed to, and began to install some files, or something like that. Then it came up with a message saying that it needed the file igfxext.exe (intel(r) graphics media accelrator)
And in the window there was a OK, Cancel and a Browse button. But the mouse and the keyboard was totally effectless??

What can I do, i am sorry my english isn't that good, but i hope you can understand me.. (From Denmark)

Pleas help me

did the mouse and keyboard work at all? could you see the cursor moving?

did the mouse and keyboard work at all? could you see the cursor moving?

No, they didn't move at all.. But the background and all the small lights was working just fine.. Only the Mouse and keyboard that didn't work.

No, they didn't move at all.. But the background and all the small lights was working just fine.. Only the Mouse and keyboard that didn't work.

What brand / model of computer is it?

It's a IBM Netvista
Intel Pentium 4 processir

It's a IBM Netvista
Intel Pentium 4 processir

Netvista what? X40, X40i, S40, S40p, S42, A10 ?

Sorry, but i don't know, how can i chek it?? is it important?

well that file is a driver, for which driver you should download depends on what model netvista you have. look on the bottom of the laptop, there should be a sticker with a model #

It isn't a labtop :) But how will i be able to download something if can't move the mouse?? From another computer?
It's a M42 Machine type 8305

Hi there!
I haven't been able to boot my xp machine for a couple of weeks, and decided to "repair" it with the xp cd (SP1) And there wasent no problems at all until the computer restarted like it was supsosed to, and began to install some files, or something like that. Then it came up with a message saying that it needed the file igfxext.exe (intel(r) graphics media accelrator)
And in the window there was a OK, Cancel and a Browse button. But the mouse and the keyboard was totally effectless??

What can I do, i am sorry my english isn't that good, but i hope you can understand me.. (From Denmark)

Pleas help me

What happens when you restart the computer .

This is from another website about the missing file .
igfxext.exe is a process installed alongside Intel based network hardware and is the Intel Common User Interface for Network Adapters. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.

have you tried going into safe mode ,f8 on startup ,then go to run\msconfig ,and removing the said file if any reference to is found and restart computer

Hi.. after i "repaired the computer" i asked me to restart, and when i do, it begins to FINISH the instalation, and install a few other things. And it is there it comes up with the igfxext.exe mesage. So when i restart the computer it just repeat the same thing.. And i don't come far enough to the point where I can click f8 i think.

not sure what to tell you, but assumming you have onboard intel video ,maybe if you have motherboard disk that would have came with the computer ,you could put it in the cd drive and it will find the file needed .

unfortantly i don't have a mother board disc.. So then there is nothing to do??

By the way! I found out that I had a knoppix cd-rom, which means, i can start Linux from the cd-rom, and access the files on the computer that way.. Can that help??

no one who haves a soloution`?

no one who haves a soloution`?

my solution if it were mine is to format the machine and reload ,but thats me .
Ok you have lenux booting from cd ,do you have a ubs thumb drive to transfer the missing file to the hdd ,still not sure if winxp repIR will find the file ,you will need to know where to put it !!,you will need to know where the rpair install is looking for it .

Didn't understand much of what you were saying there :-) you are not sure what to do, right??

It I format the machine, will I loose all data then?

Didn't understand much of what you were saying there :-) you are not sure what to do, right??It I format the machine, will I loose all data then?

Sorry sometimes im hard to understand i know .the gist of it is this ,your repair is looking for a certain .EXE to continue ,if you can get the exe and put it on a usb thumb drive you could copy it to you hard drive so it could find it ,you could use the linux cd boot version you say you have to do this ,you will need to search the net to find out more info on how to do it ,

Yes yo uwill loose all data when you format ,but if you have a usb thumb drive ,and lenux that boots from the cdrom you could copy the important stuff to the thumb drive before you format .
Now ,having said all the above, thats what i would try , im sorry i can't help you any further , Caperjack

just thought of this ,if you use the knoppix cd, you could connect to the net and downoad the missing file .
Just read on another help site someone else with the same problem said you need all the files associated withthe intel graphic if you just put the missing exe it will keep asking for it .
also this from another site .
just hit cancel enough times and
the install will go through.
Google search .

I realize I'm replying nearly two years later... but I just ran into the same problem. Here's how I fixed it... I plugged in a PS/2 keyboard (not a USB version). Fortunately, this happened on an old Dell Dimension 2350 that has both USB and PS/2 connections. I restarted the computer again and when it got to the part where it was stuck loading drivers and asked to "browse to location"... I was able to use the keyboard to erase what was in the box. I hit enter... and off it went! It continued loading. Once it finished, I unplugged the PS/2 keyboard... plugged back in the USB keyboard and mouse... restarted... and it found the USB versions as normal.

Couldn't believe it!

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