My computer is windoes xp, the Processor is AMD Athlon 2000+,
40GB Hard-drive, 512 memory, 40xCDRW and a DVD. I only use it for sufing the net and the odd file. do you think I need to update

no most likly not

might want a memory upgrade but i doubt thats even nessary

That machine should definitely be good for another 12-18months or even longer if that is all you use it for, if you were a gamer then that would be different but it is still a pretty decent system.

12-18 months , More like 4 or 5 yrs if all you do is surf and file .I know people using Intel 166's with 64 megs of ram to do the same.

I agreed that there is definitely some mileage left on your system..

I know from experience trying to keep up with the latest and the baddest can really cause headaches. Now, I seem to have my little system fairly stable with XP Pro, I really intend to stop the adding and moving of components. A good stable system/OS combination helps me more that trying to 'keep up(?)!"

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