Hi evrybody,

this is my first post in this community.....actually i had some problem while installing visio 2007 professional in my netbook (model: Lenovo S10)....after I gave the product key and pressed the "Install Now" button, the installation began as usual but within a minute the text below the progress bar changed to:

"The Windows Installer service cannot update or one or more protected Windows files. Setup failed. Rolling back changes...."

The setup exited with the same message and notifying that the setup had failed....

I tried several times but its same all over again. And its not the problem with the netbook cause I've installed and used visio earlier also. I formatted my machine and so I tried installing again...

Do you guys reckon that I need to re-install the OS (Windows XP SP2)?

I'll try again after installing .NET framework 2.0....but dunno if that would solve it...

Any help will be highly appreciated.....


is this an install over a previous version of Visio?

Were any file names given in any errpr message?

What other MS Office software do you have installed?

In other MS Office install debacles, the folder below has figured:
c:\program files\common files\ms shared\web server extensions\40\bin

Is this folder empty? If so, one of the solutions offered was to go to your XP CD and locate the file fpault.dll in I386\FP40EXT.CAB\fpault.dll

Extract that dll file into c:\program files\common files\ms shared\web server extensions\40\bin and retry the install.

This hasn't happened to me (all installed perfectly) so the suggestions are merely based on research.


no it isnt an upgrade to an earlier version...its a fresh install.....i have microsoft office xp installed cause i couldn't install office 2007 due to the same error message as in visio 2007: "The Windows INstaller service cannot update one or more protected Windows files. Setup failed. Rolling back changes...."

anywz, i'll try your solution and see if it works and in the meanwhile if any of you figure out something just lemme know...

and thanks for the suggestion...

Hi Suspishio,

Thanks heaps coz ur suggestion worked wonder!!! :) now both visio/office 2007 are installed and working well!!!


Hi Suspishio,

Thanks heaps coz ur suggestion worked wonder!!! :) now both visio/office 2007 are installed and working well!!!


You're very welcome. Do please mark this thread as SOLVED.

I suggest you take your query to the Visio Toolbox website. It will give you all the required info you seek.

Hi evrybody,

this is my first post in this community.....actually i had some problem while installing visio 2007 professional in my netbook (model: Lenovo S10)....after I gave the product key and pressed the "Install Now" button, the installation began as usual but within a minute the text below the progress bar changed to:

"The Windows Installer service cannot update or one or more protected Windows files. Setup failed. Rolling back changes...."

The setup exited with the same message and notifying that the setup had failed....

I tried several times but its same all over again. And its not the problem with the netbook cause I've installed and used visio earlier also. I formatted my machine and so I tried installing again...

Do you guys reckon that I need to re-install the OS (Windows XP SP2)?

I'll try again after installing .NET framework 2.0....but dunno if that would solve it...

Any help will be highly appreciated.....


I suggest you take your query to the Visio Toolbox website. It will give you all the required info you seek.

thnx for ur help but i've already posted tht the post by sushpicio already helped me solved it....thnx anywz!! :)

Hi visio problem resolved with given idea. thanks dude

Thank you so much Suspishio. You made my day.


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