I get the message that C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\UMM.32UXD is missing. I have the ME disk but when I put it in nothing happens.

You should be able too boot from the CD Drive. Is the CD drive at the top of boot priority?

I get the message that C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\UMM.32UXD is missing. I have the ME disk but when I put it in nothing happens.

Go to http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;69013 and read about how to fix you MBR,
i.e. Master Boot Record. Since you are using Windows ME, you could also try restoring your computer to a previous System Check Point from System Restore. This is found under System Tools, Accessories, System Restore. Alternate way to get to System Restore is to turn on computer, during boot up, continue to hit key F8. This will present a screen asking you what you want to do. From this screen you can chose to use System Restore.

You should be able too boot from the CD Drive. Is the CD drive at the top of boot priority?

There is no CD drive option in the boot menu. The options that are shown are normal setup, logged, safe mode & step-by step. I have tried all of them but keep getting the same message shown in my thread. Thank you for trying to help me.

Go to http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;69013 and read about how to fix you MBR,
i.e. Master Boot Record. Since you are using Windows ME, you could also try restoring your computer to a previous System Check Point from System Restore. This is found under System Tools, Accessories, System Restore. Alternate way to get to System Restore is to turn on computer, during boot up, continue to hit key F8. This will present a screen asking you what you want to do. From this screen you can chose to use System Restore.

I do not get a System Restore option after I hit the F8 key. I get the following options. Normal, logged, safe mode & step-by step. I tried all options but always get the same missing file message shown in my thread. Thank you for trying to help me.

I do not get a System Restore option after I hit the F8 key. I get the following options. Normal, logged, safe mode & step-by step. I tried all options but always get the same missing file message shown in my thread. Thank you for trying to help me.

Did you try entering BIOS? Try pressing F2 or delete at startup look for boot devices and make sure CD drive is at the top of the list then save and quit if changes are made. You are pressing F8 at boot up try entering BIOS it should not come up with safe mode, normal etc...

Tried all suggestions but nothing worked. A friend put a used hard drive in it & it now works fine. Thanks to all for your help.

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