Hi! I have a new problem. I have a used computer that seems to be password protected. Is there anyway to override this password long enough to get in and fix it? Thanks so much for your help!


To shed a little more light on this password problem. I bought the computer from the school auction. I went into the computer to add users for my younger kids, so I checked a box to allow me to do this and my one son restarted the computer. I obviously never unchecked the box. He was in the process of doing his homework. I hope it's not lost. The os is windows xp professional. Is there any hope of getting back in?



your talking in circles, but did you try hitting f8 on bootup and going into safe mode admin 'to remove it

Yes I did press F8 and boot it into safe mode. It is still asking for the username and password.

hi, this part confuses me {I went into the computer to add users for my younger kids, so I checked a box to allow me to do this and my one son restarted the computer}
did you create users for your kids ,did you enter a password when you did this ,not sure what you did exactly,did you have to enter password when you first bought the computer from school auction

Ok. I did not create any user accounts because it would not let me. The reason my son restarted the computer was because I was downloading Itunes for him and it said to restart the computer. I just forgot to uncheck the box when I went out of the users screen and now it won't let us in. The password the computer is asking for is from the school and they have no record of it. Ugh! This is so frustrating!

if it were mine i would just get hold of windows disk and reinstall windows,
school should have wiped it before selling it anyway.
similar thread here with some suggestion and programs to try .

Thanks! I agree....but they didn't. Thanks for your help and I will give it my best shot.

I had a similar problem when my cousin forgot her password and she was the only user. I ended up using Ophcrack and that solved the password problem.

If you don't want anything off the hard drive I think it would be better to have a fresh install of windows, as caperjack said.

- Let us know how it goes.

To shed a little more light on this password problem. I bought the computer from the school auction. I went into the computer to add users for my younger kids, so I checked a box to allow me to do this and my one son restarted the computer. I obviously never unchecked the box. He was in the process of doing his homework. I hope it's not lost. The os is windows xp professional. Is there any hope of getting back in?



Hi Laurie,

I have solved this problem several times with out formatting .. you can reset the password for any user including Administrator.

Visit the following urls for the utility and steps..

Read from : http://www.internetvibes.net/2006/07/19/reset-xp-administrator-password-utility/

Download from : http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/cd080802.zip

Download -> extract -> burn the image file in to the CD -> boot the computer using the CD - > reset the administrator password to blank - > restart -> now u can login as administrator with out any password - > Now you can create users for your younger's kid -> go and have a coffee or which ever u like :-)

Tamil Nadu , INDIA

{I had a similar problem when my cousin forgot her password and she was the only user. I ended up using Ophcrack and that solved the password problem.}

{Visit the following urls for the utility and steps..

Read from : http://www.internetvibes.net/2006/07...sword-utility/

Download from : http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/cd080802.zip}

Great now I have all the password cracking information I need to get into my bosses computer at work and change my pay rate. I am glad this site tells us how to crack passwords!

Ok, here is my other problem with the computer. When I go into the bios to change the boot setup so it will boot from a cd...it won't change. Doesn't matter what I press it won't enable the boot from cd. How do you change that?

It should be working but try removing the motherboard battery for a few minutes, replace it and see how you go then.

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