Got my free copy of win7 the other day ,got it for hosting a win7 launch party
Problem is im istalling just for now on my old P4 2.8 1 gig ram
runs really nice, it took only 28 min to install from start to finish .on a new 80 gig harddrive ,not formated .like tha t little snipit tool ,will be great for here ,when people want to snip a part of the error mess and post it in a thread for a helper to see
missing some drivers .lke video controller and a motherboard chipset drive .
anyway likning some of the features i can use .
got my old audgity 2 sound card to work ,using the cd that came with it .
will not spend to much time trying other drivers ,hope to buy a new computer soon anyway ! thanks for listining ,enjoy win7 i will

edit ,installed ati 9200 drivers for winxp ,in xp compatability mode ,but the graphics were choppy and grainy .standard vga was better,but then changed refresh rate and it looks better now

had to uninstall ati xp drivers ,kept getting bsod screen because of a ati dll file ,

I reinstalled ati drivers through device manager,driected it to the ati/support folder on c:\ put there by failed ati catylist install ! will see how that works

I reinstalled ati drivers through device manager,driected it to the ati/support folder on c:\ put there by failed ati catylist install ! will see how that works

did not help ,still bsod,

I got win 7 the same way.

Probably because the computer is so old, you will need at least windows vista drivers. I found that out.

Good luck getting Win7 drivers for an older ATI card... they've always been slack with supporting newer Windows releases on older cards (or even on cards not so old).... nVidia still runs rings around them on that front. You might have to use Google to do a bit of hunting around to see if an "unofficial" driver-stack exists in the wild for your particular card.

yeah i looked a bit and all i found was info on using winxp drive ,and installing it using compatibility mode .ATI site has none even for Vista for my old card , went out shopping yesterday for new computer ,still looking

I got win 7 the same way.

Probably because the computer is so old, you will need at least windows vista drivers. I found that out.

and baloons and streamers and a

I wrote a small article about it ;)

yeah, same stuff in mine ,no balloons and streamers .just the same junk you have .i also only signed up for the win7 dvd's . i found out about it through the Microsoft MPV program ,the story on that one starts awhile back i was contacted on this forum by some saying they were part of the mvp program and wanted to nominate me, i guess so many Canadians get nominated ,first i said no[also didn't think i qualified and still don't ] thinking it was maybe a scam ,but was assured it wasn't ,so i agreed .so i got nominated ,for my helping here on this forum ,i told the guy i was just a good Googler!lol, my prize ! i received a 150.00$ certificate for the online Microsoft store , and a one year subscription to Microsoft netlife, the magazine and the website ,vale over 300.00$ the site gives me access to all microsoft software and Os's from 3.1 on ,with working keys even download . i have a fully working 90 day trial of win7priemium anyway a long story short ,its all a bit over my head ,and im the first one to admit it ,most nominee are IT people.not me

Thanks for all the links and your veiws about windows 7.

yeah, same stuff in mine ,no balloons and streamers .just the same junk you have .i also only signed up for the win7 dvd's . i found out about it through the Microsoft MPV program ,the story on that one starts awhile back i was contacted on this forum by some saying they were part of the mvp program and wanted to nominate me, i guess so many Canadians get nominated ,first i said no[also didn't think i qualified and still don't ] thinking it was maybe a scam ,but was assured it wasn't ,so i agreed .so i got nominated ,for my helping here on this forum ,i told the guy i was just a good Googler!lol, my prize ! i received a 150.00$ certificate for the online Microsoft store , and a one year subscription to Microsoft netlife, the magazine and the website ,vale over 300.00$ the site gives me access to all microsoft software and Os's from 3.1 on ,with working keys even download . i have a fully working 90 day trial of win7priemium anyway a long story short ,its all a bit over my head ,and im the first one to admit it ,most nominee are IT people.not me

That's awesome! I was so happy about getting Windows 7, it is really good.

Congratulations on winning as well.

Yeah i got Win7 via MSDNAA it runs well on my P4 too

That's awesome! I was so happy about getting Windows 7, it is really good.

Congratulations on winning as well.

thank you

Yeah i got Win7 via MSDNAA it runs well on my P4 too

yeah ! I installed the 90 day trial win7 for corprates on my Dell demention 450 with a 2.8 Xeon cpu and 1.5 gig ram and it ran really good on that

yeah ! I installed the 90 day trial win7 for corprates on my Dell demention 450 with a 2.8 Xeon cpu and 1.5 gig ram and it ran really good on that

Yeah mine is a Dell d5150 / e510 - P4 3ghz (64 bit, sadly no HW virt, so no Hyper-V or XP mode) . Got Win7 Ult and 2008 R2 standard on it (both are 64 bit versions) - Upgraded from the 1gb to 3gb of ram because i needed games and i do 3d modelling (has an geforce 8600 512mb vid card ) Runs very well indeed.

The Nvidia drivers for win7 are good.

P.S. Upgrading from Server 2003 which i had before (32 bit and not R2) to 2008 (R2 - 64b only) was a huge pain. No option for inplace upgrade. For some reason 2008 R2 seemed much faster than Win7, even when you added the desktop role (which adds aero, games, media player, etc...)

Upgrading from XP pro x64 (which i had before) to Win7 ult/64 was also not possible.

MS should have worked harder to get a good in-place upgrade method sortted out IMHO.

Hi caperjack. Try this address for Radeon 9200 vista drivers.

Hope it helps.

thanks,but from what i see when i click onit it wants me to buy the driver .i will wait and buy new comp and video card

MS should have worked harder to get a good in-place upgrade method sorted out IMHO.

I often wonder how many ppl actually make use of such upgrade paths anyhow? To be honest, have never seen a seamless upgrade install (on any OS) that was picture perfect, or that didn't end up to some degree as a kind of Frankenstein OS install. As to an upgrade from XP to Win7 - remember that a whole raft of software (not to mention all those drivers) which are not cross-compatible... trying to make such an upgrade possible would be nigh on impossible, especially for the average end-user to perform.

To be honest, I always prefer to simply back-up all important data externally and run a fresh install anyhow.... much easier to trouble-shoot if something goes awry on all the subsequent app and driver installs :)

installed a 512 agp card with nvida 6200 ,win7 loaded microsoft drivers ,seem to work ok ,i updated with nvida win7 drives ,seem to work ok, shut down computer ,next time i turned it on it had issues and did a system restore ,so im now using microsoft drivers again ,will try it for a few days and update again to see what happens

shut down computer ,next time i turned it on it had issues and did a system restore ,so im now using microsoft drivers again ,will try it for a few days and update again to see what happens

Wierd. I had the opposite - for me the MS drivers it insisted on installing always BSODed me whereas the NV ones were fine,.

Wierd. I had the opposite - for me the MS drivers it insisted on installing always BSODed me whereas the NV ones were fine,.

yeah that what i thought ,maybe it wasn't the video drives ,will be installing again to night

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