I am working on a Wincor ATM model 2150xe. The OS of the Wincor is NT 4.0 and Procash NDC is installed on it. Its connection to host was X.25, and Eicon C91 Card was installed on it. I made necessary modifications on it to change it to TCP/IP, but after I install Ethernet card on it, I encounter the following error message:
Service Control Manager
At least one service or driver faied during system startup. Use Event Viewer to examine the event log for details.
The card I install is Intel® PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter, and is a normal Ethernet card, but I don’t know why this message is displayed?
Do you know how I can solve this problem?
If it is not solved, can I disable the Alert, so that it does not pop up, or when it pops up, it is avoided so that the ATM does not remain stopped?