Can someone help me out? I am setting up 4 pc's in a daycare for kids to play with. (no internet). I have the pcs with no OS installed on them but I would like to install XP. My problem is that the pc's did not come with any OS cds. So what is the easiest and cheapest way to obtain and install XP on these 4 pcs.

Will I need 4 XP cds or can I just buy one and install it on all 4. Does Microsoft still sell volume licences? or is that too much for just 4 pcs.

Not sure what to do. Any help is appreciated.


Does Microsoft still sell volume licences? or is that too much for just 4 pcs

Not for less than 25 pcs. And they wont sell to individuals.

You dont really have any option but to buy retail.

How about you go with completely free operating system! Go with Ubuntu Linux. The latest version comes with more games than XP for kids to play around with and will be a good start for kids!

Make the young minds used to Linux! It's not all that hard trust me.

As far as XP goes, I think you will just have to buy 4 different copies of windows XP. I think you could get one for as low as 70$ each from Amazon.

PS: no point introducing young kids with almost a decade old operating system. And XP is one of the most vulnerable Operating system now. It's just way too old and easily cracked and hacked.

How about you go with completely free operating system! Go with Ubuntu Linux. The latest version comes with more games than XP for kids to play around with and will be a good start for kids!

I thought about linux but can you get Linux in French??

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