I'm having problem trying to install win xp. After the format is done it said something about my hard drive is not turn on or connected. I know for sure it's connect but how do I turn it on.. also I'm getting this error

DRFAT32.sys: could not find a drive with a valid FAT32 partition.

Can anyone help me fix this?

sounds like maybe the hdd needs to be fdisked first.use a win98 bootdisk .
also a quick search makes me think you are using a program called DRDOS!!if so why

Sounds like you might have a HD setup utility in the floppy drive or something.

What's a DRDOS?? As for the win 98 boot disk it doesnt work on my computer don't know why.

What's a DRDOS?? As for the win 98 boot disk it doesnt work on my computer don't know why.

I'm not sure but ,when i search for Drfat32.sys ,all references are to a drDos program .
You may have to change the boot sequence in the Bios to boot to the A:\ drive .to getthe win98 disk to work
this site might help with fdisk and format.

What kind of formatting did you use ? The WIN98 boot disk or DrDos ? Try going to Maxtor website and download MAXBLAST. That's after you reset the boot sequence showing the CD-ROM as the first boot device.

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