when i tried to open my folder.i got strange things.is it virus ?
or anything else.Kindly let me know the idea.Any help would be
highly appreciated.Kindly find the attachment also.

did it make any problem? I think any kind of software what u use it create this kind of file,folder. may be temp type. if you delete this, any problem occurred? many days ago may be i faced this file. and I think I delete it. when u use ms office some file (like this) create.

did it make any problem? I think any kind of software what u use it create this kind of file,folder. may be temp type. if you delete this, any problem occurred? many days ago may be i faced this file. and I think I delete it. when u use ms office some file (like this) create.

when i am trying to delete .i am getting error Cannot delete File:
Cannot read from source file on disk.Kindly let me know .How Should i recovered my original file.Any help would be highly appreciated.

It looks to me like you have windows in another language, and have uninstalled your language pack. any chance that sounds familiar to you?

It looks to me like you have windows in another language, and have uninstalled your language pack. any chance that sounds familiar to you?

i don't know this language .Can you tell me.Kindly let me know the idea.

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