I know that there have been many posts on this before but I have to tell you that I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of and still no avail.

So I betcha your gonna be stumped when i tell you all I've done!

The Problem:

During bootup after the windows XP login screen with the flashing blue bar I get to the blue screen that says "windows is starting up" in white and it literally takes 1 minute and 26 seconds until I get the welcome screen and then the desktop for a total boot up time of about 2 min 30 seconds.

Heres what I've done:

1. Defrag
2. Reg Cleaner
3. Ran Anti-virus
4. Deleted Norton and installed AVG 7.0 (I read in a similar post that this might help)
5. Ran msconfig and unchecked almost everything, with the exception of stuff I am not sure about (Only two items)
6. Went to BlackVipers site and shutdown uneeded services
7. Cleaned out recycle bin
8. Cleaned out unused email
9. I'm sure im forgetting something else I've done, but I have visited multiple forums for this problem and have done what they recommended.

My system:

AMD Athlon 3200+
Asus AN78X-Deluxe
1 Gig of TwinX Corsair 3200 DDR400
ATI 9800 XT 256MB
Two WD 120GB SATA HD's in a RAID 0 array
Win XP Pro SP2

I think that should cover it. Any other ideas PLEASE help!! this sucks.

P.S. I ran eventvwr.msc and found about 10 red-x messages on startup but can't decipher them. Let me know if this could be an issue as well.

Thanks for the help

You got plenty of room on c:\ and a good page file size I assume. (1.5Gb for both).

google your error messages, then post them if you have no luck.

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