Have an HP Pavilion with Pent 4 processor (3-4 years old). I recently got some nasty spyware (Anti Virus Live) which took over my PC. I restarted in Safe Mode with Networking, I then tried to do a System Restore. Now when I restart the computer normally, after the Windows load screen it just goes right to a blank screen. I can restart in Safe Mode, not sure what to do next. I did install Malwarebytes and ran the scan to try to address the spyware issue, not sure yet if it was successful as I have not been able to restart normally yet. The blank screen issue preceded the installation of the spyware scanner, so I don't even know if the system restore was successful. Upon getting the pc back on in Safe Mode, is says that the system restore was successful, but still no normal reboot. Help is much appreciated.

I did try a bunch of searching but didn't really see anything specific to my issues.


Are you using the monitor that came with the system? Sounds like you have generic drivers, or settings that are not compatible with monitor. Tap F8 at startup and select VGA mode. You should be able to log in with an ugly screen. You can update your video and monitor drivers, restart, and set resolution.

Post back here and let us know how it goes.

Are you using the monitor that came with the system? Sounds like you have generic drivers, or settings that are not compatible with monitor. Tap F8 at startup and select VGA mode. You should be able to log in with an ugly screen. You can update your video and monitor drivers, restart, and set resolution.

Post back here and let us know how it goes.

It is a laptop, so yes it is the original monitor. If it is a driver issue, how would I go about finding and then installing the proper drivers? Would a driver issue only affect it in normal mode (as stated I still am functioning in Safe Mode). Thanks!

VGA mode and Safe Mode both use very basic settings, but VGA mode boots normally except for the video. This allows you to go to HP support and update your drivers. Let's take it a step at a time.

Whether or not you are able to boot in VGA mode determines the next step.

Whether or not you are able to boot in VGA mode determines the next step.

Ok, will give the VGA made a try...

Ok, VGA mode would not load, same issue: got the Windows load screen, then to blank screen. Back to Safe Mode w/ Networking. Any other suggestions??? Thanks.

Boot in Safe mode and click Start -> Run. In the Run box type "msconfig" without the quotes. On the Startup tab, click "disable all." On the services tab, hide all Microsoft services (checkbox) and then click "disable all." click OK, OK restart.

If that still brings up a blank screen, boot to safe mode and, on the general tab, select diagnostic startup.

Post the results.

Boot in Safe mode and click Start -> Run. In the Run box type "msconfig" without the quotes. On the Startup tab, click "disable all." On the services tab, hide all Microsoft services (checkbox) and then click "disable all." click OK, OK restart.

If that still brings up a blank screen, boot to safe mode and, on the general tab, select diagnostic startup.

Post the results.

Still no luck with either of these. I'm off to work now so won't be responding for some time. Thanks!

Appreciate any other suggestions though!

Hold the windows key and press R. Type: "devmgmt.msc" without the quotes and click OK. From the View menu, Show hidden devices. Any exclamation marks or question marks? If they are under "Non-Plug & Play Drivers, delete them, if under a different category, disable them. Reboot.

Hold the windows key and press R. Type: "devmgmt.msc" without the quotes and click OK. From the View menu, Show hidden devices. Any exclamation marks or question marks? If they are under "Non-Plug & Play Drivers, delete them, if under a different category, disable them. Reboot.

Ok, did as you suggested, here were the results with exclamation points (no question marks).

Under "Non-Plug &Play Drivers" I had the following:

(!) srescan

I uninstalled this (same as delete?)

In another section, I had:

(!) Zune Bus Root Bus Enumerator

I disabled this one.

Results were still the same though, blank screen after normal start-up.


Sorry this is turning out to be a long process for you! Above, are some articles about device conflicts and how to view device information.

I would uninstall the video drivers and reboot your system. Hopefuly, it will boot with generic drivers. I think you still have a virus that has written "fake" drivers which take the resources for your video. KoobFace (and other viruses) do this.


Sorry this is turning out to be a long process for you! Above, are some articles about device conflicts and how to view device information.

I would uninstall the video drivers and reboot your system. Hopefuly, it will boot with generic drivers. I think you still have a virus that has written "fake" drivers which take the resources for your video. KoobFace (and other viruses) do this.

Thanks for the links, I will sort through them and see if I can find the solution there (per your suggestions to disable the video drivers). I did notice that I have no sound capabilities in Safe Mode, is that normal or an indicator of driver issues? Worst case scenario I'll have the system wiped and do a clean install.

I appreciate all of your efforts though!

Don't disable -- Uninstall any drivers you think may be in conflict. Generic drivers will be loaded (or often outdated ones), this is what you want! It will re-assign the resources (hopefully) and give you video so you can run Malware scans. The correct/updated drivers can be easily restored after that.

I did notice that I have no sound capabilities in Safe Mode, is that normal or an indicator of driver issues? Worst case scenario I'll have the system wiped and do a clean install.

Only the necessary drivers are loaded in safe mode and therefore sound would not normally be loaded. No problem indicated by that.

Follow what you have been advised to do first....

Before you consider wiping your drive and starting again, download the free UBCD (see my signature) and make a CD and use it to do a boot scan fro viruses and other scans of your machine. If you ever decide to wipe your drive, search for and read all about slipstreaming your OS CD first. Sometime when your machine is working again, you could look into slipstreaming then, as it is always good to have a fully updated OS CD with all your drivers, and other information included when you install or repair/install available.


Are you aware of a good antivirus that can be run from UBCD? This may help here! Does UBCD load USB drivers allowing Antivirus to run from flashdrive?

Thanks for the updates!!! I will continue to work on the problem and update as new info is available.


Did you boot to safemode and uninstall the video driver?

What was the result?

Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I had the same problem...
But one time i opened and tried to open something by pressing so many keys on keyboard.
After it task manager opened after some time and i tried to open explorer.exe task. nothing happend and thinking what to do but after a few "minutes" a screen appears system restore successful..
So i want you to be paitiant for some time.
Just open task manager. it will also open after some time.
Just wait and watch.
Hope this will help you..

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