Right, I have been using my ftp server for a long time now, but recently my ftp server wouldnt let me connect to it using either ports 21 or 20 (in both PORT and PASV modes) and so after trying to see if there was any problems in my cpanel i couldnt find anything. But now it doesnt even connect to my cpanel (port 2082). I have contacted my webhost; they said everything is fine at their end and maybe access through those ports is blocked. I have tried connecting to the ftp server and cpanel with all viruschecker/firewall/security software shut down on both the computers in my network, but still with no results.
I have also virus scanned the machines.
The only things i have installed recently is a windows update on the host computer (which doesnt have a windows firewall, we use zonealarm on both), and a game demo on this slave computer.

Two connection logs from CuteFTP

STATUS:> Getting listing ""...
STATUS:> Resolving host name coatesdesign.net...
STATUS:> Host name coatesdesign.net resolved: ip =
STATUS:> Connecting to FTP server coatesdesign.net:21 (ip =
STATUS:> Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
ERROR:> Can't read from control socket. Socket error = #10054.

STATUS:> Getting listing ""...
STATUS:> Resolving host name coatesdesign.net...
STATUS:> Host name coatesdesign.net resolved: ip =
STATUS:> Connecting to FTP server coatesdesign.net:20 (ip =
ERROR:> The connection failed due to an error or timeout.

I am at a loose end here, i have no idea what is causing it at all, can anyone help please?

Disable ZA, that is the most annoying peice of software ever. Get rid of it on the machine if you can/

do you think that is what is causing it? What other free firewall should i use?

I recently foiund out i can't send any emails either, whats causing this? does anyone know? I know its something to do with ports but how do i solve it?
Please help!

I really suggest uninstalling Zone Alarm for the time being, if this fixes the problem search out another free firewall software.

i have installed McAfee firewall and uninstalled zonealarm, when i first checked it was still the same, but after a while everything started working again so i presume it was that.
Thanks for all your help.

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