Hello All,

My first time posting a question; thanks in advance for your responses to help me with my situation.
I had a problem with my DC Jack, opened the laptop, fixed the jack, reassembled the laptop. Now starts the problem: I turn the power on on the laptop, it comes alive, the Compaq logo is displayed and displayed and displayed ad infinitum, nothing else happens. The laptop is humming, the fans are spinning but nothing beyond the Compaq screen happens on the display!! I pressed all the keys - function, F8, F12, F11, F2.... drummed on every single key on the keyboard - nada, zip!
Any help would be appreciated to get me past this problem!!

Thank you,

It is so useful, that option to display a corporate logo instead of BIOS sys info. Press the function key you are told to, go into BIOS setup and find the option to disable that logo screen in favour of hardware detections, then see what is missing. Does your hdd show up?

tab key on bootup usually will show whats behind the logo with out changing bios setting

It is so useful, that option to display a corporate logo instead of BIOS sys info. Press the function key you are told to, go into BIOS setup and find the option to disable that logo screen in favour of hardware detections, then see what is missing. Does your hdd show up?

Gerbil, Thanks for the response! When you say press the function key I am told to..., I don't see anything else besides the logo! Absolutely nothing!! I even inserted the Recovery Disk and turned the machine on... guess what I see?? You got it, the logo :)
Unless I am missing something you are trying to tell me..?!

tab key on bootup usually will show whats behind the logo with out changing bios setting

caperjack, tried that too... infact every key on the keyboard, including the function keys! Didn't work.

Wanted to update you that I re-disassembled the laptop and then reassembled it one piece at a time and it works fine now, the OS loads, the desktop is visible :)
The only thing that does not work is the mousepad!! I guess I am going to start the process of dismantling and reassembling again!! :0)
Thanks for your help, nonetheless!

Tab key. Tsk... I should have remembered that, caper, but I don't ever get the chance to use it for that purpose. The logos just don't get a run with me.
Good on you, apneram, spannering is good.

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