I am new here and I have some questions about Windows 7. Is it way better than any operating system? What is its pros and cons? I hope someone could help me about this.

Windows 7 is best Than Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Floor mats? Those are for walking on, not for windows...

Without wasting any time, let us look at some new features and options which make Windows 7 unique and better than earlier Windows versions:

so its been 13 hrs ,when are you going to tell us some new features & options ,
,oh and both you links go to same site and they have nothing to do with floor mats ,i was so disappointed ,as i needed some floor mats

There are several great features of windows7
and some bad features too


  • better multi moniter support (try press win+P)
  • Easier organization of open windows/apps (window edge snapping (press WIN+cursor key))
  • New taskbar (Superbar), drag and drop windows, pin applications, jumplists etc.
  • Windows Virtual PC , gives you free licensed copy of windows XP SP3 for (poor) backwards compatibility (hey... at least its there)
  • new MSpaint program, kinda like office2007
  • better bluetooth support
  • better device management (windows Devices and printers)
  • Library managment to replace and or add to my existing my documents/videos/music folders


  • lack of classic start menu
  • higher system reqs.
  • quick launch disabled by default

I'll update this in a few hours... have to dash off now ;)

At first I was a little bit skeptic, I only worked on XP and a little bit on Linux, but I said to give windows 7 a try.
The result? Installed in 15 minutes, updated in 10, but in about half an hour everything was ready to go.
It is faster than XP in my opinion, although the games appear a little bit slower

Windows 7 is best Than Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Really? I use Windows XP for a long time now. If I use Vista, probably my computer will be crawling. Is it still advisable to use Windows 7? Because my computer might be slow in using Windows 7.

Really? I use Windows XP for a long time now. If I use Vista, probably my computer will be crawling. Is it still advisable to use Windows 7? Because my computer might be slow in using Windows 7.

sounds like you computer is not up to the task ,stick with winxp or buy a new computer with win7 on it

Really? I use Windows XP for a long time now. If I use Vista, probably my computer will be crawling. Is it still advisable to use Windows 7? Because my computer might be slow in using Windows 7.

if your computer struggles with vista, i would not install windows7.

in all honesty windows 7 and windows vista are not that much faster than Windows XP

let people tell you what they want but the fact of the matter is windows vista/7 are only faster if your machine meets a certain level of system specifications which to allot of people is just too expensive.

both vista & 7 eat allot of ram and run slow on single core chips

I love windows 7, it is faster and better than vista, but not enough to make me stop using windows XP on some of my older PCs

if your computer struggles with vista, i would not install windows7.

in all honesty windows 7 and windows vista are not that much faster than Windows XP

let people tell you what they want but the fact of the matter is windows vista/7 are only faster if your machine meets a certain level of system specifications which to allot of people is just too expensive.

both vista & 7 eat allot of ram and run slow on single core chips

I love windows 7, it is faster and better than vista, but not enough to make me stop using windows XP on some of my older PCs

i dissagree ,im running on p4 2.8 socket 775 single core ,using hyperthreading ,320 gig hdd and 2 gig ram and it is alot faster than my winxp p4 2.8 socket 478 single core with 1.5 gig ram .
it boots faster ,copies and burns file faster ,converts formats[avi to dvd ,mp4 to dvd and wave to mp3 ect ect ] faster and so on and so on just my opinion

i dissagree ,im running on p4 2.8 socket 775 single core ,using hyperthreading ,320 gig hdd and 2 gig ram and it is alot faster than my winxp p4 2.8 socket 478 single core with 1.5 gig ram .
it boots faster ,copies and burns file faster ,converts formats[avi to dvd ,mp4 to dvd and wave to mp3 ect ect ] faster and so on and so on just my opinion

yea but your Vista (sorry.. win7) machine has hyperthreading an extra half gig of ram ;)

Also I kinda stand by my point about older PCs... Windows Vista/7 have a minimum req of at least 1 GB of ram...

Windows XP runs champion on 512Mb and sometimes less. There are still allot of older PC's running less than or around 1GB of ram and for those systems I'd reccomend XP every time

The only reason i can think of to run Windows7 on those systems would be if you really really really wanted DX11 :p

oh,talking old computers with 512 meg ram i to would only run xp on those for sur

Windows 7 is best Than Windows Vista and Windows XP.

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