Hey guys,
I was doing a fresh install on a Gateway M500B1 laptop and the last thing I was updating was the BIOS and the screen froze. I left it, but eventually I turned it off and now it won't boot. The OS was XP Home. I'm not hearing any beeps and I tried to take out the RAM and still no sound. Is the MOBO shot? I haven't done anything with CMOS honestly because my knowledge of this stuff is very surface. I also tried using bootable discs, but nothing goes on the display. Can I boot the BIOS from a USB? I don't think that'll work with XP, but I need some help. I'm completely lost and bummed out.

the last thing I was updating was the BIOS and the screen froze

are you saying you were flashing[updating to latest version ] the bios and it froze in the middle of it ,or were you just making some [setting defaults ]changes in the bios .

if you were flashing and it failed you are in trouble and will need to replace bios chip[not a easy task ] ,or motherboard

Thanks for the reply. I was flashing it. I'm pretty sure you're correct that the mobo went south. I guess it's time for a new laptop.

Thanks for the reply. I was flashing it. I'm pretty sure you're correct that the mobo went south. I guess it's time for a new laptop.

thought so ,we/they only flash bios if its going to fix an issue laptop was having with some hardware .
i think it would cost more to repair than its worth ,good luck with buying a new one

There was an issue with the sound which apparently the update would have taken care of. I think I may try to get a motherboard on eBay for super cheap just for a learning experience.

There was an issue with the sound which apparently the update would have taken care of. I think I may try to get a motherboard on eBay for super cheap just for a learning experience.

lets say i own a asus motherboard model #123456 , it is possiable to buy new bios chips with the defauld settings for model # 123456 and remove old one and solder on new one and make the board works again ,now that is just in theory ,weather there is one for your model motherboard is not something i know for sure .and if so how hard it would to repair it

So do you think it's a waste of time and money or do you believe it might not even be possible for the motherboard I have? I'm basically looking at units on eBay that have the parts available, but there aren't any units in the completed listings that weren't fully functional so I don't have a price guideline. Have you heard of Badflash.com? They might be able to help.

Have you heard of Badflash.com? They might be able to help.

never heard of them,
first all i can say is what i read i rarely flash bios ,for good reasons ,
the bios you buy would have to be exact for you model,and it may be hard to attach new one ,from there i don't know what to tell you except check with laptop maker

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