Presently I am trying to download itunes from Apple on to my Dell Laptop (with Windows XP). I have ran into many problems that have caused my download and instillation to fail.

One of the primary problems is that during the installing an error message pops-up that tells me there is a fatal error in the Windows InstallShiled (error 1603).

How should I fill this error in the InstallShield?

check this OUT

Presently I am trying to download itunes from Apple on to my Dell Laptop (with Windows XP). I have ran into many problems that have caused my download and instillation to fail.

One of the primary problems is that during the installing an error message pops-up that tells me there is a fatal error in the Windows InstallShiled (error 1603).

How should I fill this error in the InstallShield?

I have a fix listed here:

Presently I am trying to download itunes from Apple on to my Dell Laptop (with Windows XP). I have ran into many problems that have caused my download and instillation to fail.

One of the primary problems is that during the installing an error message pops-up that tells me there is a fatal error in the Windows InstallShiled (error 1603).

How should I fill this error in the InstallShield?

Hey there,

I had the same prob AND tried many things. The only thing which worked is by installing windows installer cleanup utility and removing the product you are trying to install. In your case ITUNES. That's it. now u can reinstall the product.


Another issue that most people overlook is with COM+.

Start > Run > services.msc
See if "DCOM Server Process Launcher" is Started and set to Automatic. If not, set them that way. If it won't start, then run my Dial-a-fix program, and checkmark everything in box #5 and hit GO (this will re-register the DLLs necessary for DCOM SPL, among other things). Then try to start DCOM Server Process Launcher again.

Also make sure that COM+ Event System is not disabled. Start it and set it to Manualif it is not. COM+ System Application should also be set to Manual.

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