:cry: I turned my computer around while it was on and all of a sudden, the monitor displayed windows sideways. I have tried to fix it going to control panel display and couldn't find anything there. Can someone help me fix this? I appreciate your help.

I have an additional problem. My taskbar is gone. It is so low that I can barely reach it with the mouse. I have gone to Windows Help and tried several things but I can't move it up or drag it up to where I can see it. This happened when my screen got distorted. Can someone help me please!! Thank you so much.:confused:

:cry: I turned my computer around while it was on and all of a sudden, the monitor displayed windows sideways. I have tried to fix it going to control panel display and couldn't find anything there. Can someone help me fix this? I appreciate your help.

Some Graphics Drivers allow you to rotate your screen using <ctrl><alt><arrow_key>. Maybe your other problem will then be solved as well.

Are you sure the taskbar is gone, and your monitor hasn't been stretched? If it's so low, and you can't click on it, that could be the case. Can you right-click on your taskbar, even? There should be an option that says, "Lock the taskbar"

I was able to correct the direction of the images on the monitor but have not been able to raise the taskbar, it's still very low. I have tested with and without locking and it won't move to where I need it. I can right click on it, but only going by feel not that I can see anything down there, and most of the time I can't find what I'm looking for. I appreciate your help. Thanks again.:sad:

i guess the problem is on monitor but system. adjust moniter if i were you.

Brilliant idea!!! I adjusted the monitor and it worked. Oh, I am so grateful, thank you so much!

Some Graphics Drivers allow you to rotate your screen using <ctrl><alt><arrow_key>. Maybe your other problem will then be solved as well.

OMFG THANK YOU i was lookin on google with a killer neck cramp*monitor was displaying sideays*and i stumbled on to this place thank you ty ty ty ty now i dont have to tilt my neck just to see straight

Anna Marie I too, stumbled onto this from Google. I have the same problem Monitor Screen displaying everything sideways. I tried the ALT+CTRL+arrow key combo but that just inches my viewing area whichever the arrow is pointing that I push.

Does anyone else have any other suggestions.? I have read alot about portrait/landscape monitor orientation. They all suggest pushing the orientation button. But not one of the sites has indicated where such a "button" would be.

Does anyone know if it is S/w or on the keyboard somewhere or some place I have not even thought of yet?

Thank you for any help. This has been going on since last Saturday 6/23

I had a similar issue with my display. My computer runs on the WindowVersion 2002 operating system. I resolved this issue by
1) right click on the desktop
2) Select Graphics Options
3) Rotation
4) Normal

Hope this helps anyone who runs into this problem.

I had a similar issue with my display. My computer runs on the WindowVersion 2002 operating system. I resolved this issue by
1) right click on the desktop
2) Select Graphics Options
3) Rotation
4) Normal

Hope this helps anyone who runs into this problem.

Re: Screen Rotation

Thanks for the help. Your instructions solved the problem!

OMG you guys saved my butt. well not really mine, a co-worker, however thank you so much. I didnt know you could rotate a desktop screen at all. all the practical jokes I couldhave played... Thank you for you time in finding the answer. :)

This was brilliant - thanks a million. The Graphic option fixed my problem in one minute.

Do you have any idea why the screen turned sideways and wasted my precious evening so that I know what I did wrong and how to fixe it next time.


OMG OMG thank you i have been dealing with this problem for 8 hours i worked on it until midnight last night with a windows xp person so this really helpeD!!!!!!!!%Pr

Have a very stiff neck now thanks to my cat who jumped on the keyboard and turned the screen sideways....the Ctrl Alt and arrow key solved it - many thanks!!:)

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