Power distribution issue. Turned on laptop.....power light on-fan on-HD spinning-black lcd-charging battery......opened it and found blown cap next to a F7832 8-pin rectifier .....replaced cap (10.5 v across cap).....i dont have source power on rectifier....

source _ 0.0v
gate _ 4.5v
drain _ 0.97v

Trace source input not found.. yet!
would be nice to fix my gateway MP8708 ....any ideas?

The drain connection is the input to the mosfet... it has 0.97V. Mosfet is fully on at gate = 5v; it then has about 3milliohms fwd resistance, so it looks like something is pinning the source [output] low [if the mosfet is actually turning on].
Try shorting the gate to ground [the gate supply will be protected by a resistor], see what the drain voltage jumps up to.
A blown cap like the one in your pic... if it was an overvoltage issue then I doubt the integrity of any related semiconductors. But maybe it just went to a short and the available current exploded it.

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