When i start my Computer.startup and recovery window comes.when it finish .it says windows cannot repair this computer automatically.Click finish to exit and shut down your computer.when i click on finish it shuts down automatically .so kindly let me know the idea.how should i resolve the issue.i am using windows vista.i am unable to start my windows .

There is a variety of reasons why you would get this kind of error message.

If you are booting using a recovery partition, then its clear that your recovery partition is faulty and you must recover the operating system using system discs

if you are using system discs and are getting this error message, then there is a misinterpretation between the system disc restoration process and pre-existing software on the hard drive from the prior operating system. In this instance you must completely wipe all the data off the hard drive before proceeding (using a program such as kill disc) and then attempt a re-installation using the system discs.

If you are booting using a recovery partition, then its clear that your recovery parition is faulty and you must recover the operating system using system discs

i did not have system disk.let me know the any idea.so that i should be able to go at least in start window.any help would be highly appreciated.

Well, w/o System Disc (Windows) you are pretty much stuck.

If yuou wish to backup your data I would suggest you get Ubuntu from http://www.ubuntu.com and Download and burn it to a CD. When you boot the CD will ask you weather you wish to Install Ubuntu or just Try. Click try and you will have access to your hard drive. Get what you want and format to Windows.

You can get windows from many source that I can't tell you. Or you could go buy a copy from your locol store.

Or you could just use the wonderful OS that is Ubuntu, I promise you it doesn't break as easily as windows.

There is really no easy solution for you if you dont have your system discs and are attempting a system recovery. A faulty recovery partition wont do you any good; even if it did work you'd still have problems.

If you are using a manufactured laptop (such as from Acer, or HP) you are most likely using OEM factory OS. In this case you must contact the manufacturer of your computer and order recovery discs unique to your system. Either that or purchase a fully licensed operating system for more money.

There is really no easy solution for you if you dont have your system discs and are attempting a system recovery. A faulty recovery partition wont do you any good; even if it did work you'd still have problems.

i have system disc.but it is in Dvd.in a laptop there is only cd rom.but in my computer Dvd rom is there.can you tell me ?how should i boot from my computer to the laptop.i have also Usb to saata connector .Kindly let me know the idea.Any help would be highly appreciated.

is the System Disc for your laptop or for your Desktop?

I am not sure if you can interchange them.

is the System Disc for your laptop or for your Desktop?

System disk is in dvd format.but dvd Rom is in my Desktop.only Cd Rom is in Desktop.Kindly let me know the idea.Any help would be highly appreciated.

System disk is in dvd format.

Ok I got that

but dvd Rom is in my Desktop

O K?

only Cd Rom is in Desktop

Lost you here.

Thats not what I asked, I asked you if the system Disc you have is for your laptop or for your Desktop.

Did you get the system Disc with you laptop or your Desktop?

Did you get the system Disc with you laptop or your Desktop?

yesterday i went to my friends.he was system disk.he tried.there it was working .sometimes errror had been comming during system restore.so yesterday i took one copy.now i want to try myself.using my computer and laptop.

the system disc you got from your friend is vista?

I think hes saying he has a separate operating disk that's not the original OEM disk which would have been used for his laptop or Desktop (they dont normally come in DVD format anyways)

If thats the case, then yes you can use it provided you can hook up an external DVD ROM drive to your laptop (seeing how its only using a CD-ROM drive); but keep in mind... When using an OS disc that isnt the original equipment manufacturer discs that the product key on your laptop will not be valid as geninune with the OS you installed (even if they are identical operating systems), and that you will have to possibly find hardware drivers online which were unique to the OEM discs and are not included in the other system disk you used to reinstall your operating system.

Although personally I've only experienced this product key problem using VISTA and Win7 operating systems, and not XP. I also heard a ridiculous claim that it was illegal to install a windows operating system on a desktop that came included with an OEM product key. Just thought I'd mention it

HMM open source ftw.

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