hi there,
i would like 2 know if u can solve this...

when i start my laptop up its fine but when my desktop shows it take five minuets before it finishes loading/doing its thing.


p.s. i have win 98 on my downstares computer and that load the destop in a flash.

what operating system is on your laptop? you might not have enough ram (random access memory) in it if your running 2000 or xp. both like way more ram then 98 does.

Unnecessary dirvers and programs that you don't need right after you boot your computer, might slow down your booting process. Also make sure that you don't have spywares and virus. I have a free copy of Lavasoft Ad-aware 6 http://www.lavasoftyusa.com, it works great. I have removed tons of spywares since I got this freeware.

If you are using Windows XP and want some programs not to load right after you boot your computer, go to Start->Run and type "msconfig" and hit "Ok"-> once you get there click on "Startup" tab and disselect the programs that you don't want to run as soon as your computer boots. Please note that you have to restart your computer if you make any changes.

if you are still using Windows 98 on your laptop, may be it's time to upgrade your operating system.


Usually when you install programs.. It hooks itself to the startup folder or the Win.ini which allows the program to load during the startup...

I think "msconfig" at the RUN area, would do the trick for you.. Just remove all the un-needed programs that is clogging up your starup file.

When it comes to SpyWarez.. I'd remove them using a freeware program called SPYBOTT.

sorry to change the subject, but I've heard a lot about "spybott". I've been using Ad-aware (by Lavasoft) for a while and it works just fine. Is Spybott better than Ad-aware?


sorry to change the subject, but I've heard a lot about "spybott". I've been using Ad-aware (by Lavasoft) for a while and it works just fine. Is Spybott better than Ad-aware?


You should cread you own topic not just ask in someone elses !! one is not better than the other it is advisable to use them both .check out the imunize feature in spybot !!

its win nt home edition

You should cread you own topic not just ask in someone elses !! one is not better than the other it is advisable to use them both .check out the imunize feature in spybot !!

my apologies caperjack. it won't happen again.

Sounds like you need a defrag badly :)

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