I am running WIN98 SE and IE 6.0.2800. I can't get Flash to install. When I go to the flash page and click on the "INSTALL NOW" icon, it doesn't do anything. I was able to install Shockwave and that works fine. I have reinstalled IE and SP1. I have checked the settings in security and it is below recommended. This is what I see... no icons or pics, just the little square coloured boxes that do nothing. I have tried everything. Can ANYONE help?

When you see the installation completion movie above and text below, your installation was successful. The installation should only take a minute or two on a 56k modem.

Do you have any popup blockers? If so this might be blocking the Flash Install POPup which would prevent you from installing flash.

Do you have any popup blockers? If so this might be blocking the Flash Install POPup which would prevent you from installing flash.

No popup blockers. I am running McAfee Firewall but I disabled that and tried too. Still no luck :(

No popup blockers. I am running McAfee Firewall but I disabled that and tried too. Still no luck :(

No one yet can help me?????

Its been 2 yrs or so since i used win98 full time ,i do remember not being able to install flash but sorry I don't remember how I fixed problem ,are you saying that it will not install if you click on this link and click INSTALL

Its been 2 yrs or so since i used win98 full time ,i do remember not being able to install flash but sorry I don't remember how I fixed problem ,are you saying that it will not install if you click on this link and click INSTALL

That's pretty much what's happening. It just won't even try to install. My IE settings are default, I'm running Mcafee Firewall and Virus Scan but even disabling that, it still doesn't work. Until you don't have it, you have no idea how many sites use it :) :((

I am running WIN98 SE and IE 6.0.2800. I can't get Flash to install.

What are your security settings? I believe Macromedia uses ActiveX to install the Flash player, and settings can interfere with it.

Here's something else that might help: Macromedia Online Forums.

What are your security settings? I believe Macromedia uses ActiveX to install the Flash player, and settings can interfere with it.

Here's something else that might help: Macromedia Online Forums.

I set all security settings to default. When I go to the flash download page
and click on the INSTALL NOW icon, it goes to (http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/triggerpages_mmcom/flash.html) and just sits there loading nothing.

try setting your active x settings to accept unsigned as well.

When its sitting there does the little video or animation play ?

When it goes to the load page, it just sits there. The animation that should be there is just the tiny icon that is present when something can't be displayed.

I've already posted this once somewhere, but why don't you download & instal MYIE2? It runs on Internet Explorer's engine but is a lot more versatile. It can't hurt to try.

I get the same problem in XP with latest IE :-/ anyone have a solution?



If those who are having these problems have 'Spywareblaster' installed, there is an option to kill flash in tools. Make sure it isn't checked.

Thank you so much!!! I can't believe all I went through and no one but you came up with the answer.

You are welcome. I came across that answer myself several weeks ago.

Perhaps your active-x controls are off...

what are you cookie settings set to?

I believe everything is taken care of now after the first post. Seems the spy thingy was stopping it from working. It works great now. Thanks to all that answered

You are not alone, I am basically having the same troubles. I click the link to install Flash and it says it's installed, problem solved right? Wrong! I go to some website and am still prompted to install Flash. The thing is, all of Macromedia's Flash movies are working. It's just that when I go to some websites (like oldspice.com) I get a notice that I have to download Flash.

I run Windows ME with Internet Explorer and SBC Yahoo! DSL Browser (Default) by the way, no firewalls and my SBC browser has a pop up blocker built in.

I did find this on macromedia's website.

Always verify if problems are not actually due to problems with your Flash Player, but possibly only occurring with one particular web site. Try viewing other Macromedia Flash content (for example, Macromedia.)

Many developers create detection schemes to determine if viewers have Macromedia Flash Player installed. If there is an error in the detection scheme, you may be advised that you need to update or install Macromedia Flash Player even if you already have the latest version installed and working properly. This problem with detection is beyond your control, and can only be addressed by the creator of the web site. Contact their web master for assistance.

Some performance issues are related to the way content is created. A well-optimized web site may perform better than others. These differences in performance are beyond your control, and can only be addressed by the creator of the web site. Contact their web master for assistance.

But I don't know if this has anything to do with that, I encounter this problem on several websites.

And what about those who have Spybot Search and Destroy?

I checked my Spywareblaster also and saw that the Flash Kill Bit was unchecked. Are there other locations on my computer that can act as a "kill bit" and disable Flash?

I am having same problem with flashplayer....didn't used to until i instlld systemworks..even though i have uninstalled it i still can't see most pictures while surfing and cannot install flash player, which i USED to have...is sux.

Perhaps your active-x controls are off...

how do i get them ON?

Right click IE & choose properties/privacy & set it to default.

I've been having the same or similar trouble. I've successfully installed Flash (several times, to be sure) yet a flash attachment (.SWF) in emails ignored all efforts to start it. I played with disabling my pop-up blocker and my firewall, but with no change. All indicators showed I had Macromedia Flash Object linked to .SWF (file association) in my Control Panel/Folder Options/File Types, and flash and shockwave were both listed as "enabled" elsewhere. Strangely, an .SWF attached to a URL (http:\\... .SWF) worked fine. With this in mind, I figured maybe Internet Explorer should be the designated program to run .SWF files, so I edited the file association to link to IE, and it worked.

You are not alone, I am basically having the same troubles. I click the link to install Flash and it says it's installed, problem solved right? Wrong! I go to some website and am still prompted to install Flash. The thing is, all of Macromedia's Flash movies are working. It's just that when I go to some websites (like oldspice.com) I get a notice that I have to download Flash. >>>>>

I have the same problem, certain websites say I don't have flash installed but I do, and it works fine when I actually get to the page that has flash animations on it. I have tried everything listed on the macromedia site, have emailed them, have tried system restore, have reset all internet options to normal... please, any ideas?

I never figured out what the problem was, but.. I switched to Firefox, and it offered to download Flash for me, and the sites actually work now! They still don't in IE, just Firefox. So I don't use IE anymore and I couldn't be happier!

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