I have an Acer Aspire 5100 running Windows XP.
I recently installed a LightWave USB TV/AV Combo TV aerial unit to enable me to watch TV on my laptop. I live in Uganda so don't have many options apart from this in my place.
Everything was fine for a day or so and then my Touchpad stopped working.
I plugged in a USB mouse which works.
But I want to get my Synaptics TouchPad working again.
I reinstalled the latest driver from the Acer website.
Now, when I boot up, the touchpad works for around 5 seconds after my desktop shows but then it freezes.
I've tried unplugging the USB mouse and rebooting but the same thing happens.
I really need this USB TV tuner unit.
I'm not 100% that this is the reason for the conflict.
Any suggestions?